Screen Prompts Results/cause and possible actions  

Only the  , and  are accessible.

Disengage keypad lock if further access required


The infusion has been stopped.

Press the key to Resume The infusion or press the   key to continue stopped state.


Alert: Program is about to end/syringe is almost empty. 

Prepare to change syringe or discontinue pump use.


Alert: Battery is almost depleted.

Prepare to change battery.


Alarm: The pump has been stopped / paused for more than 2 minutes without key presses.

Press the key to resume the infusion, press the  key to continue pause for another 2 minutes.


Alarm: The program is completed and the VTBI volume is fully infused.

Press the  key to confirm, then change syringe or discontinue pump use.


Alarm: Battery will fail imminently.

Change battery.


Alarm: One or more of the syringe detection sensors is not detecting.

Check the syringe and place in pump correctly.  Check screen messages for assistance.


Alarm: Clamped line, occluded or kinked.

Release the clamp, flush/replace the access device or clear the occlusion.


Alarm: Clamped line, occluded or kinked, and the actuator has reached minimum travel position.

Release the clamp, flush/replace the access device or clear the occlusion.


Alarm: An internal system error has occurred.  Two examples of system failure screen messages are shown here, refer to pump service manual for a full list of error codes.

The user may be prompted to power off and restart, which may rectify the error.  If the error recurs, take pump out of use.  Press the  key to obtain error message, record error code and summary of fault and return pump to designated service centre.



Contacts for advice

Information and guidance on syringe pumps can be accessed via the Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines. In addition, there are a range of sources for advice within your local area.  These include:

  • Community Nursing Teams
  • Out of Hours Teams
  • Hospital Palliative Care Teams
  • Hospices
  • Pharmacists
  • Specialist Palliative Care Teams
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • Medical Staff
  • Medical physics