• If stridor is present, seek specialist advice. Give high-dose steroids in divided doses: dexamethasone 16mg orally or subcutaneously, or prednisolone 60mg orally. Consider gastric protection with PPI or Hantagonist.
  • Consider treating any potentially reversible causes.
  • Optimise current therapy (non-drug management and medication); in particular, ensure adequate analgesia as pain may inhibit effective coughing.
  • Acknowledge fear and anxieties, and provide supportive care. Offer written information and verbal explanation.
  • Consider referral to physiotherapy services if difficulty in expectorating retained secretions.
  • Agree a self-management plan which could include:
    • cough diary
    • smoking cessation advice
    • improved ventilation such as opening a window, putting on a fan
    • coping strategies such as:
      • positioning and posture
      • relaxation
      • controlled breathing technique and effective coughing techniques, for example huffing.
  • Seek specialist advice for the small number of patients who may require suction or a cough assist machine.


Specific advice on managing a dry (non-productive) cough

  • A persistent refractory cough may prompt the initial diagnosis of a primary lung malignancy or pulmonary metastases and specific chemotherapy/radiotherapy may be appropriate, depending on histology and fitness.
  • Post-radiotherapy lung damage, pneumonitis and lymphangitis (which can be associated with breathlessness and cyanosis) may respond to steroid therapy. Seek oncology advice.


Management of a dry (non-productive) cough

Tables are best viewed in landscape mode on mobile devices

Nature of cough

Possible cause

Potential treatment

Onset related to the commencement of medication

Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

Discontinue or switch to alternative medication

Rapid onset of cough, associated with dyspnoea

Pleural effusion

Consider pleural drainage and pleurodesis

Pericardial effusion

Consider pericardiocentesis and pericardiosclerosis

Pulmonary embolism (usually dry cough but may have haemoptysis)

Consider merits of anticoagulation with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)

Barking cough (short duration)

early pneumonia

Consider antibiotics,
humidify room air

Harsh croup (coarse)


Humidify room air,
advise resting of voice

Bovine cough

Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (from intrathoracic compression or disease)

Consider referral to ear, nose and throat (ENT) for possible vocal cord injection

Hard brassy cough (with or without wheeze or stridor)

Tracheal compression from thoracic lesions or nodes,
superior vena cava obstruction (SVCO)

Consider radiotherapy, steroids,
stenting (refer to the SVCO section in the Breathlessness guideline)

Wheezy cough

Airflow obstruction - asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Optimise inhaled therapy, consider steroids



In addition to the advice described the above table, consider treatment to suppress a dry cough:

  • simple linctus
  • morphine (monitor for side effects including opioid toxicity)
    • opioid naive – 2mg orally, 4 to 6 hourly if required (6 to 8 hourly if frail or in renal/hepatic impairment, start low go slow.)
    • already on morphine – continue and use the existing immediate-release breakthrough analgesic dose (oral if able or subcutaneous equivalent) for the relief of cough. A maximum of 6 doses can be taken in 24 hours for all indications (pain, breathlessness and cough). Titrate both regular and breakthrough doses as required.
  • Specialist referral if symptoms persist for consideration of other treatments.


Specific advice on managing a moist (productive of mucus, sputum or saliva) cough

Tables are best viewed in landscape mode on mobile devices

Nature of cough

Possible cause

Potential treatment


COPD (no infection)

Optimise inhaled therapy, consider steroids

Infection, pneumonia or both

Consider antibiotics as per local guidelines (assess realistic level of intervention – intravenous (IV) or oral)

COPD exacerbation

Consider antibiotics (assess realistic level of intervention – IV or oral) and steroids

Tracheo-oesophageal fistula

Consider specialist advice for possible stenting

Aspiration of saliva

Antimuscarinics/anticholinergics, antibiotics

Gastro-oesophageal reflux

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and prokinetic, for example metoclopramide, QTdomperidone

Cardiac failure

Optimise medical management

After food

Fatigue or weakness causing poor swallow

Assessment by speech and language therapist and dietician

Weak ineffective

Motor neurone disease (MND)/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) causing excessive saliva production

Consider antisecretory, for example hyoscine to achieve acceptable moisture levels

Titrate carefully

Consider suction or cough assist machine

Precipitated by supra pharyngeal secretions

Postnasal drip



Nasal steroids

Nasal decongestant spray, antihistamine, nasal steroids


Character of sputum

Quality of sputum




Non-infective, jelly-like, clear

Excess saliva or mucus

Bronchorrhoea (Mucus >100ml/day)

Broncheo-alveolar cancer, asthma, tuberculosis (TB)


Left ventricular failure, alveolar cell cancer


Infection, including TB, pulmonary embolus, tumour



  • In addition to the advice described in the table above, consider treatment to aid expectoration:
  • mucolytics - to reduce sputum viscosity, for example carbocisteine as required. Stop if no benefit after a 4 week trial.
  • nebulised sodium chloride 0.9% 2.5ml to 5ml as required - to help loosen secretions.
  • When a patient with a moist cough reaches end of life, drying of secretions may be necessary. Refer to Care in the last days of life guideline.