- All patients should have medication for symptom control available as required. Anticipatory medicines will need to be adapted to take renal function into account.
- Opioid analgesic (for pain relief or breathlessness):
- Alfentanil is drug of choice when eGFR is 20ml/min or less although specialists may recommend earlier, especially where a rapid decline in renal function is anticipated
- Oxycodone can be used in renal failure/renal disease at end of life, but there is greater potential for opioid toxicity than with alfentanil and so caution is advised when using Oxycodone and increased dosing intervals may be appropriate. Different care settings may impact on ease of availability of medicines
- Oxycodone SC as required up to 2-hourly (1mg to 2mg if not on regular opioid). If 3 or more doses have been given within 6 hours with little or no benefit seek urgent advice or review. If more than 6 doses are required in 24 hours seek advice or review. If ‘as required’ doses are needed, consider using a syringe pump with, for example, oxycodone 5mg to 10mg over 24 hours and titrate according to response. Monitor for signs of opioid toxicity which are a greater risk, especially at higher opioid doses. Elderly patients and opioid naïve patients should be started on the lowest dose possible.
- Please seek specialist advice if considering commencing alfentanil (e.g. eGFR very low 10ml/min); alfentanil SC as required hourly; (100micrograms, if not on a regular opioid). If 3 or more doses have been given within 4 hours with little or no benefit seek urgent advice or review. If more than 6 doses are required in 24 hours seek advice or review. The short duration of action may mean repeated dosing is necessary and there should be a low threshold for starting a syringe pump in these circumstances. Consider using a syringe pump with, for example, alfentanil 500micrograms over 24 hours (1mg of alfentanil≈30mg oral morphine) and titrate according to response.
- Anxiolytic sedative: midazolam SC 2mg as required hourly.
- Antisecretory medication: hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan) SC 20mg as required up to hourly.
- Anti-emetic: QThaloperidol SC 500micrograms to 1mg, 8 hourly or levomepromazine SC 2.5mg to 5mg, 12 hourly.
- If using three or more doses in 24 hours consider starting a syringe pump which can be titrated according to response and use of breakthrough medication.