6MWD 6 minute walking distance
6MWT 6 minute walking test
A&E accident and emergency
AA admission avoidance
AMSTAR assessing the methodology of systematic reviews
BMI body mass index
CASP critical appraisal skills programme
CAT COPD Assessment Test
CI confidence interval
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CRRT community respiratory response team
CRT community respiratory team
ESD early supported discharge
GP general practitioner
GRADE grading of recommendations assessment, development and evaluation
H@H hospital at home
HR hazard ratio
HRQoL health related quality of life
HSCP health and social care partnership
HTA health technology assessment
ICER incremental cost effectiveness ratio
IMD index of multiple deprivation
IQR interquartile range
IRR incident/incidence rate ratio
LOS length of stay
MD mean difference
NE north east
NMA network meta-analysis
NOK Norwegian khrone
NR not reported
NW north west
OR odds ratio
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit
QALY quality adjusted life years
RCT randomised controlled trial
RD risk difference
RR risk ratio/relative risk
SD standard deviation
SGRQ Saint George respiratory questionnaire
SHTG Scottish Health Technologies Group
SIMD Scottish index of multiple deprivation
SMD standardised mean difference
UK United Kingdom
WIMD Welsh index of multiple deprivation