SHTG recommendation

An adaptation for NHSScotland of guidance published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

What were we asked to look at

KardiaMobile® is a portable, credit-card sized, electrocardiogram (ECG) recorder for detecting atrial fibrillation (AF).

The National Planning team within NHSScotland have previously identified AF as an area that would benefit from further exploration. Following the publication of the NICE Medical Technologies Guidance on KardiaMobile® in January 2022, SHTG contacted clinical experts to investigate if there was interest from the clinical community for an adaptation of this guidance for NHSScotland. Clinical experts agreed that there would be value in producing adapted guidance, and this was supported by policy managers responsible for heart disease and stroke care within the Scottish Government.

Why is this important

Medical technologies that permit ambulatory monitoring in patients with AF, or suspected AF, are rapidly evolving. An assessment published by SHTG in May 2021 highlighted that this has led to variation in clinical practice, making it harder to ensure a consistent approach across NHSScotland. Guidance around the clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness, safety and appropriate use of these technologies will help to ensure an effective and more consistent approach to care.