Patient Support Organisations and Charities
Anaphylaxis UK– A charity dedicated to supporting patients with allergies. Their website contains useful information for children and young people and they have great campaigns including Easy to Ask which aims to help children and young people ask about allergens when eating out, including the school canteen.
Allergy UK: A patient charity that aims to support individuals living with allergic disease.
Spare pens in schools: A resource to guide schools through the legislation on storing spare, back-up AAI’s and managing anaphylaxis.
CYANS: The Children and Young’s People Allergy Network Scotland is an NHS initiative that aims to improve access to allergy care in Scotland and the service offered to children with allergies.
Primary school pupils
BBC bitesize– A video to understand what it’s like to live with allergy and looking after friends.
Secondary school pupils
May contain– A blog and YouTube channel about living with allergies that may help pupils to stay confident when managing their allergy
Take the kit– A campaign for teenagers by Anaphylaxis Campaign to highlight the importance of carrying emergency medication at all times. Watch the video on YouTube here.