Define specific objectives for DSS tools to deliver on agreed goals.


One of the first tasks for this guiding coalition is to set specific goals and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) objectives by which success will be judged from a broad organisational perspective.

A key element of converting goals into focused SMART objectives is identifying DSS interventions which can deliver on organisational goals. Table 1 below provides examples to illustrate how goals, objectives and decision support tools can relate to each other.

Table 1: Examples of links between organisational goals, project objectives and decision support modules

Organisational goal


Examples of decision support tools

Patient safety

Safer prescribing

High risk prescribing alerts in electronic health record (E H R) systems

Reduce or minimise adverse drug reactions

Drug-drug or drug-condition interaction checker

Medicines guidance and formularies delivered as web and mobile apps


Improving patient flow for unscheduled and urgent care

Referral and discharge guidelines

Risk stratification algorithms with associated

Better usage of diagnostic services

Guidance on test ordering and on interpreting the results

Integrating diagnostic test recommendations into online ordering systems.

Shift from treatment to preventive care

Targeted risk assessment for patient groups at highest risk of developing diabetes type 2.

Shared decision-making app for risk assessment, referral for diagnostic test, and supporting guidance on approaches for risk reduction.