Define goals: What are you trying to achieve?


Define goals based on consultation and engagement with key stakeholders. At this stage, aim to identify goals which align with overarching health and care strategic priorities, system drivers and core values. Examples include:

  • Value-based health and care and Realistic Medicine – reducing unwarranted variation, waste and harm, supporting shared decision-making, releasing practitioner time to care, and optimising use of available resource.
  • Improving performance and efficiency, by saving practitioner time, releasing time to care, and minimising duplication of effort through a Once for Scotland approach.
  • Improving patient flow in unscheduled and urgent care.
  • Addressing waiting lists and waiting times.
  • Facilitating integrated working across health and social care.
  • Shifting the balance of care from a hospital-centric model to prevention and early intervention, self-management, and supported independent living in the community.