If a patient is interested in trying a DPI device, this decision aid can help with appropriate selection.

Which of the statements below are true for your patient? Select all that apply.



The more statements are true for your patient, the more likely that they are suitable for a DPI, if they are interested and if clinically appropriate.

If most of the statements are not true, this patient may not be suitable for  DPI. If a DPI is not suitable, then consider a switch to a pMDI with lower global-warming potential if this is clinically appropriate (Salamol® or Airomir®).

Caution: if the patient is elderly (75 years or older) or frail, as less likely to have sufficient inspiratory flow > 45L/min. This may be checked with an In-Check device. The very young (less than 6 years old) may also have insufficient inspiratory flow.

Considerations for all options (MDI, DPI, SMI): Please ensure that the patient has been taught how to use the inhaler, and check technique regularly. Cognitive ability, muscle weakness and dexterity have all been associated with poor inhaler technique for MDIs and DPIs.

