Understand the principles of a personalised approach to care.

Caring conversationsSource: My homelife Scotland.

Description: no set learning objectives.

Target audience: all those working in H&SC.

Access: free online resource.

Comments: the cornerstones of a caring conversation are; be courageous, celebrate, connect emotionally, be curious, consider other perspectives, collaborate, compromise.

Person centred care made simpleSource: The Health Foundation.

Description: no set learning objectives.

Target audience: healthcare professionals and the public.

Access: free online resource.

Care OpinionSource: Care Opinion.

Description: stories patients and the public have written about their experience of the NHS in Scotland.

Target audience: all health and social care staff, members of the public.

Access: free online resource.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/03/2023

Next review date: 31/03/2024

Reviewer name(s): NES Realistic Medicine Team.