Personal and professional development

What is personal and professional development?

‘Personal and professional development (PPD) is a way for people to assess their existing skills and abilities, consider their aims in life and work, and set goals in line with these aims to realise, achieve and maximise their true potential.’ (Kacinova, 2021)

KACINOVA, S., 2021. Personal and professional development; Meaning, importance and how to get started today. Available:,and%20maximise%20their%20true%20potential. (Accessed: 20th October 2023).

How do I provide evidence of competency in this area? 

Can you...

  • Incorporate maintaining and improving your use of decision support into your personal and professional development plan?

Blooms level 3: Apply

DDAT Framework roles: Data analyst, Data scientist, Data engineer, Data ethicist, Business analyst, Product manager, Delivery manager, Service owner