Background details  - age, sex, occupation, baseline function

  • 47-year-old female
  • Works as cleaner in local high school, but currently on sick leave
  • Has had 16 courses of oral prednisolone therapy in 12 months without any face-to-face review with a clinician
  • Has ordered 24 salbutamol pMDIs in 12 months
  • Breathless, nocturnal wheeze most nights
  • Never tested positive for Covid

History of presentation/reason for review

  • Referred to primary care healthcare professional due to OCS use and high-volume ordering of salbutamol, despite current treatment with Airflusal® pMDI (fluticasone 250 micrograms /salmeterol 25 micrograms) two puffs twice daily
  • Worsening symptoms over the past year
  • Multiple courses of oral prednisolone therapy

Current medical history and relevant co-morbidities

  • Asthma

Current medication and drug allergies (include OTC preparation and herbal remedies)

  • Airflusal® pMDI 250/25 two puffs twice daily, only ordered six inhalers in 12 months
  • Salbutamol pMDI two puffs, as required, 24 inhalers ordered in 12 months

Lifestyle and current function (incl. frailty score for >65yrs) alcohol/smoking/diet/exercise

  • Lives with husband and 3 children
  • Has 2 dogs, 1 cat
  • Current smoker of 10 cigarettes per day with 18 pack years
  • Overweight with BMI 31
  • Little motivation to engage with physical activity

Results e.g. biochemistry, other relevant investigations or monitoring

  • Asthma Control Test (ACT) 7/25
  • RadioAllergosorbent Test (RAST) – High positive dogs, moderate positive cats, low positive pollen, dust mite. Await Total IgE and aspergillus serology
  • Normal eosinophils.  TFTs, FBC, U&Es, bone, glucose, ANA, ANCA, CRP, iron studies and B12- normal
  • Referred chest X-Ray (CXR) and pulmonary function tests (PFTs)

Most recent consultations

First consultation

  • Discussed symptoms and ACT 7/25. Carried out full asthma serology screen. Referred for full PFTs, CXR and DEXA scan
  • Chest exam-NAD. SpO2 98% room air
  • Discussed concerns over multiple prednisolone courses, high volume salbutamol use and poor adherence to Airflusal® in the context of symptoms and ACT score, adherence to preventer therapy discussed
  • Agreed move to Fobumix® Easyhaler® DPI (budesonide 320 micrograms/ formoterol 9 micrograms) two puffs twice daily and Easyhaler® salbutamol, as inhaler technique poor with MDI and good with Easyhaler®. Discussed this in line with health board’s green agenda. Discussed physiology of asthma and concerns, as identified as at risk
  • Explained side effect risks from prednisolone and need for DEXA scan
  • Discussed smoking cessation and Very Brief Advice (VBA) given. Will consider referral to Quit Your Way
  • Full asthma screen and review arranged for following week


Follow up appointment

  • Given blood results and awaiting Total IgE and Aspergillus serology. Discussed addition of montelukast given RAST positivity and pets. Agreed with plan
  • Awaiting date for PFTs and CXR
  • Further education and discussion around managing asthma
  • Aware dependent on awaited results may need referral onto Difficult Asthma Clinic
  • Personalised Asthma Action Plan discussed, agreed and written copy issued. Advised that this may change dependent on results
  • Further appointment made for four weeks for review


7 Steps: Person specific issues to address for asthma case study 

1.  Aims: What matters to the individual about their condition(s)?

Review diagnoses and consider:

  • Therapeutic objectives of drug therapy
  • Management of existing health problems
  • Prevention of future health issues, including lifestyle advice 

Ask patient to complete Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) questions to prepare for my review before their review

Person specific actions

  • Worsening symptoms of asthma and poor control, resulting in multiple courses of oral steroids and high volume of salbutamol use
  • Getting back to work as a cleaner


2.  Need: Identify essential drug therapy

Identify essential drugs (not to be stopped without specialist advice*)

  • Drugs that have essential replacement functions (e.g. levothyroxine)
  • Drugs to prevent rapid symptomatic decline (e.g. drugs for Parkinson’s disease, heart failure)

Person specific actions

  • Inhaled corticosteroids for asthma control, currently prescribed as a combination MDI, Airflusal® (not being ordered regularly)


3.  Need: Does the individual take unnecessary drug therapy?

Identify and review the continued need for drugs

  • what is medication for?
  • with temporary indications
  • with higher than usual maintenance doses
  • with limited benefit/evidence for use
  • with limited benefit in the person under review (see Drug efficacy & applicability (NNT) table)

Person specific actions

  • Salbutamol is used frequently (24 inhalers ordered in 12 months), unnecessary if preventer therapy used effectively
  • Past frequent courses of oral steroids (16 courses in 12 months) increasing potential for adverse effects


4.  Effectiveness: Are therapeutic objectives being achieved?

Identify the need for adding/intensifying drug therapy to achieve therapeutic objectives

  • to achieve symptom control
  • to achieve biochemical/clinical targets
  • to prevent disease progression/exacerbation
  • is there a more appropriate medication to achieve goals?

Person specific actions

  • Discussion and education regarding adherence to preventer therapy and salbutamol use. MART therapy also discussed as an option
  • Checked inhaler technique with MDI to ensure able to use
  • Inhaler changed to a DPI (Fobumix® Easyhaler®, containing an ICS/LABA) as MDI technique was poor
  • RAST positivity and presence of pets at home, therefore addition of montelukast to trial


5.  Safety: Does the individual have or is at risk of ADR/ side effects? Does the person know what to do if they’re ill?

Identify individual safety risks by checking for

  • appropriate individual targets
  • drug-disease interactions
  • drug-drug interactions (see ADR table)
  • monitoring mechanisms for high-risk drugs
  • risk of accidental overdosing

Identify adverse drug effects by checking for

  • specific symptoms/laboratory markers
  • cumulative adverse drug effects (see ADR table)
  • drugs used to treat side effects caused by other drugs 

Medication Sick Day guidance

Person specific actions

  • Advised of potential for adverse effects from multiple oral steroid courses. DEXA scan arranged. Inhaled corticosteroids treat the condition with reduced exposure to systemic effects, therefore reduced ADRs
  • Risk of hypokalaemia with salbutamol over-use, U and Es were normal
  • Personalised Asthma Action Plan reinforces advice to take when symptoms of asthma control deteriorate


6.  Sustainability: Is drug therapy cost-effective and environmentally sustainable?

Identify unnecessarily costly drug therapy by

  • considering more cost-effective alternatives (but balance against effectiveness, safety, convenience)

Consider the environmental impact of

  • Inhaler use
  • Single use plastics
  • Medicines waste
  • Water pollution 

Person specific actions

  • MDI changed to DPI (Easyhaler®) due to inhaler technique, and discussed environmental impact of propellant gases in MDI compared to DPI
  • Salbutamol DPI (Easyhaler®) has a dose counter, so will provide reassurance of medication availability, but with education and discussion about management of asthma to reinforce the importance of regular preventer therapy


7.  Patient centeredness: Is the patient willing and able to take drug therapy as intended?

Does the person understand the outcomes of the review?

  • Consider teach-back

Ensure drug therapy changes are tailored to individual’s preferences. Consider

  • is the medication in a form they can take?
  • is the dosing schedule convenient?
  • what assistance is needed?
  • are they able to take medicines as intended?

Agree and communicate plan

  • discuss and agree with the individual/carer/welfare proxy therapeutic objectives and treatment priorities
  • agree with them what medicines have an effect of sufficient magnitude to consider continuation or discontinuation
  • inform relevant health and social care providers of changes in treatments across the transitions of care

Ask patient to complete the post review PROMs questions after their review 

Agreed plan

  • Regular preventer therapy issued in an inhaler which they are able to use correctly
  • Personalised Asthma Action Plan discussed and agreed, with a written copy given
  • Discussed smoking cessation and Very Brief Advice (VBA) given. Considering referral to Quit Your Way
  • Possible that a further referral to the Difficult Asthma Clinic may be needed, dependent on full results and outcomes from improved education and inhaler technique
  • Review appointment made for four weeks’ time.