Purpose and Audience

This app is for use of all healthcare practitioners, trainees, and undergraduate students working within the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, NHS GGC.

This software is an informational and educational resource.  It is not a medical device as defined by the Medical Devices Directive.


Each section of this app/website has its own review cycle based on the type of information provided.  The editorial group and clinical lead have overall responsibility for ensuring  these cycles are adhered to.  The review dates are provided within each page/section.

Technical maintenance and updating of the app is carried out by Tactuum Ltd and funded through the National Decision Support Programme led by the Digital Health and Care Institute.

The Editorial Group

The editorial group consists of clinical staff and knowledge services staff, and is led by the Clinical Lead Beth White.

All documentation related to the operation of this editorial group is held on the Decision Support Team/Channel for QEUH AIM.


The content within this app/ website is based on current evidence and best practice, however it is intended to be applied alongside sound clinical judgement. As such, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis or management decision made on the basis of the information provided via this app/website.

Use of this app within patient care settings should always be in accordance with local policies and guidance with regard to clinical practice and mobile device usage.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is not responsible for the content of any external websites listed, nor do they endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on in any of these websites.

All use of this resource is subject to Scots law and the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts and is subject to this disclaimer. Any views given on the app/website are not necessarily those of Healthcare Improvement Scotland or anyone connected with us.


Unless otherwise stated all contents contained within this app / website are Copyright © NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2020.


Browser and Operating System Compatability

  • The app is supported by Android 4.4 or later and iOS 8.0 or later devices.
  • The website is optimised for use on both desktop and mobile devices in the following browsers - IE9+, Chrome, Edge, and Safari.