Ailsa Stein
SIGN Programme Manager
About this toolkit

This toolkit complies with the RDS standard operating procedure checklist on accessible content.
The content of the toolkit is derived from adaptation of published recommendations following systematic searches to identify relevant guideline sources. A multidisciplinary group of healthcare professionals, and people with lived experience, produce and review the toolkit as it is developed. The group approved and adapted recommendations using a formal consensus process and provided additional narrative to support implementation.
The draft toolkit is also shared at consultation and feedback addressed by the guideline group.
The content of this toolkit was reviewed by the SIGN editorial team (September 2024) and signed off by the SIGN Programme Lead (February 2025).
The content will be considered for update 3 years from publication. Six months prior to the 3 year publication date, a scoping review will be conducted to identify new or revised guidelines that would require the recommendations in the toolkit to be updated. The results of the scoping review will be circulated to the original guideline group for comment, and to identify any other new areas for inclusion. Thier responses, along with the review results, are submitted to the Evidence Directorate Work Programme Committee for consideration for update or revalidation.
Any minor updates brought to the attention will be dealt with on an "as needed" basis.
Updates will be reviewed and approved in line with the SIGN editorial process.
The content was subject to peer review and open consultation in July 2024. All comments received were addressed and responses will be published on the SIGN website.
Copyright compliance has been checked and sources acknowledged appropriately.
This toolkit was developed using an adaptation methodology. Evidence-based guidelines were identified from a target search of multiple sources. Guidelines were sifted by title and content and appraised using limited application of the AGREE II relevant tool. Relevant recommendations were extracted and the shortlist was discussed, refined, and agreed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland research staff. The group voted on the acceptability and implementability of these recommendations using a formal consensus method. The group added supporting narrative based on their clinical and lived experience to recommendations that were voted as acceptable. No primary evidence was reviewed in the development of this toolkit.
Any feedback or complaints should be sent to It will be addressed by the Programme Manager or referred to the SIGN senior management team for consideration as appropriate.
Risks have been identified, described and mitigated. The risk register for this project is available from SIGN.
The content and structure has been developed with a multidisciplinary group of clinicians (guideline development group) and open consultations (July 2024).
The guideline development group carried out functionality and usability testing in September/October 2024.