Additional resources

Below are additional resources available to support the application and implementation of the Standard Infection Control Precautions within your care setting.
NHS Education for Scotland Resources
Scottish Infection Prevention and Control Education Pathway (SIPCEP)
The Foundation Layer of the pathway comprises a range of resources covering all 10 Standard Infection Control Precautions and other introductory IPC topics. These learning resources are aimed at staff and students new to health and social care, but are also suitable for more experienced staff in any care setting who want to refresh their knowledge or update their skills.
The SIPCEP Resources Quick Finder can help you quickly access SIPCEP learning resources and find the right resources for you.
You will find details of all the education resources at the NES Infection Prevention and Control Zone. Information is also included in our bi-monthly newsletter, which you can subscribe to via our website.
ARHAI Scotland Resources
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)
The NICPM is evidence based and intended for use by all those involved in care provision in Scotland.
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual for Older People and Adult Care Homes (CH IPCM)
The CH IPCM is a practice guide for use in care homes, which when used, can help reduce the risk of infections and ensure the safety of those being cared for, staff and visitors in the care home environment.
Examples of appendices which you might find useful in the CHIPCM:
- National Infection Prevention and Control Manual: Care Home IPC resource for respiratory illness (
- National Infection Prevention and Control Manual: Care Home IPC resource for gastro-intestinal illness (
Scottish Social Services Council Resources
MyLearning is a free app which has been developed by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) to help social service workers record their Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) although it is also open to any member of the public that wish to use it. This app helps you record and reflect on the learning you do every day as you go.
MyLearning allows you to:
- Set yourself learning targets and view your progress
- Record learning logs
- Tag your learning logs so you can easily find them later, to help develop your thinking and reflections
- Use your learning logs as evidence towards Open Badges
- Share your learning logs with others, such as your manager or a potential employer.
Person-Centered Care Bite-Size Resource
Working in a person-centred way around what matters to the person being supported is central to good practice amongst all health and social care workers. Whilst sometimes a challenge, this way of working is integral to good IPC practice.
This brief guide provides a summary of what being person-centred can mean in practice and tips on how to strengthen the relationship with people you support . There are links to further resources should you wish to follow these up.
This resource is part of a suite of bite-size guides developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously known as COVID-19 guides, these popular resources are continuing to be made available whilst their content is reviewed.
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HiS) Resources
Infection prevention and control standards - For health and adult social care settings
You may want to access the ‘plain English’ PDF booklet version of the standards. These national IPC standards apply to all health and social care settings including NHSScotland settings, independent healthcare, and adult social care including care homes. They are a key component in the drive to reduce the risk of infections in health and social care in Scotland.
The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland take these standards into account during all relevant scrutiny and regulatory activities. All other health (including independent healthcare) and adult social care organisations and settings (including adult day care) are encouraged to adopt the standards as good practice.
Scottish Government Resources
Health and Social Care Standards: My Support, My Life
The Scottish Government’s Health and Social Care Standards: My Support, My Life came into effect in April 2018.
The Standards set out what we should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. They seek to provide better outcomes for everyone; to ensure that individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and that the basic human rights we are all entitled to are upheld. These standards are taken into account by the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and other scrutiny bodies in relation to inspections, and registration, of health and care services.
The Care Inspectorate Information Hub can be accessed for further information and resources on these Standards.