Angiotensin II receptor blocker (Candesartan 4-32mg/day)

Polypharmacy icon of two pills

Study population:

Patients with intolerance to ACE inhibitors with symptomatic heart failure

(NYHA Class II-IV) and  ejection fraction ≤0.4.


Mean age of enrolled patients was approximately 66 years.

Patients were already taking other drugs as part of therapy for heart failure. Approximately 70% had heart failure of ischaemic cause.


Outcome Duration NNT Annualised NNT

Prevent one death (cardiovascular cause) or

hospital admission for chronic heart failure

33.7 months



Prevent one death 33.7 months




Granger C, McMurray J, Yusuf S, Held P, Michelson E. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function intolerant to angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-Alternative trial. The Lancet. 2003; 362: 772-776