While it will certainly not be necessary to provide the CPA for every patient referred to the CMHT, the Care Programme Approach Needs Assessment Checklist provides a comprehensive systematic guide to needs assessment. Common areas of need for people with personality disorder, from which specific treatment goals can be identified, include:

medication including:

  • polypharmacy
  • compliance issues

concurrent mental health conditions including:

  • mood and anxiety disorders
  • substance misuse disorders

physical health including:

  • not accessing appropriate care for medical conditions
  • reduced self-care including suboptimal management of chronic medical conditions

emotional support including:

  • crisis resolution
  • containment strategies

accommodation including:

  • difficulty maintaining a tenancy

social/interpersonal situation including:

  • lack of interpersonal contacts
  • lack of leisure time activities

employment, education or other meaningful, structured use of time

financial including

  • debt problems 
  • benefits issues
  • financial management difficulties

dependent children/ other dependents including

  • difficulties managing childcare tasks