Information about the BodyGuard T Syringe Pump


NHS Borders 

"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

What is a BodyGuard T Syringe Pump?

It is a small battery operated, portable pump. It allows medications to be given continuously over a 24 hour

Why do I need one?

The medication in the syringe pump may be used to help control symptoms such as pain, sickness or to help you relax.

A syringe pump can be used at any stage in your illness. The main reasons a syringe pump may be considered are if you are being sick and can’t keep oral medications down, if your body doesn’t allow oral medicines to work properly, or if you are unable or too weak to take oral medication.

How does it work?

A small, plastic needle will be inserted under your skin on either your upper arm, leg or your abdomen and this is connected to a tube which is connected to the syringe on the pump.

Who will look after it?

The nursing team looking after you will check the pump regularly to make sure it is working correctly. 

Taking care of the syringe pump:

  • the pump is in a locked case which helps to protect it, you may also have been given a small bag to carry it in
  • the pump should not be exposed to bright sunlight or heat
  • when sitting or lying the pump should rest on a flat surface next to you
  • don’t get the pump wet – if you would like to have a shower or bath, please discuss with the nursing team and they will assist you
  • do not drop the pump – if the pump does get dropped please contact the nursing team looking after you

Please contact the nursing team looking after you if you are concerned about any of the following:

  • the pump gets dropped or has become damaged
  • the colour of the solution in the syringe has changed and/or appears cloudy
  • the skin around the plastic needle is red, painful or swollen
  • the alarm sounds – don’t try to silence the alarm yourself
  • any other concerns about the pump or the syringe

Adapted from Buckingham Healthcare NHS Trust Patient/Carer Information Leaflet
Author: PATCH Practice Development Nurse

Editorial Information

Next review date: 30/09/2026

Author(s): Turnbull J.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Turnbull J.