Low vision clinic at Borders General Hospital

NHS Borders
Borders Eye Centre
Borders General Hospital
Melrose, Roxburghshire
TD6 9BS tel: 01896 826 771
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"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."
What is Low Vision?
People are considered to have low vision when their sight is reduced despite being able to use both eyes together and wearing their most up to date glasses.
Low vision can affect both adults and children, and can be the result of a number of conditions. Low vision can affect your ability to do simple day to day tasks such as reading, cooking and certain hobbies.
Why do I need an assessment?
A Low Vision Assessment is designed to help support you and to discuss how to make the most of your vision.
If you feel you do not need this support at present, you can decline an appointment and this will not affect your treatment.
What should I bring to the appointment?
- Your spectacles, even if you think they are of no use to you
- Any magnifiers that you use
- Some examples of any tasks that you find difficult. If you prefer, you can make a list of things you are having problems with
- What will happen at the appointment?
Your appointment will be with an Orthoptist or Optometrist who specialises in Low Vision Therapy. You will be
asked some questions regarding what you understand about your eye condition, what difficulties you are having and what specific things you want to be able to do (e.g. hobbies)
Your near and distance vision will be assessed with any glasses you wear.
If magnifiers are of some help, you will be offered a suitable strength of magnifier to try. You will be given the
opportunity to try out different types and styles of magnifiers to decide which ones you prefer.
The Specialist will give you advice and guidance on how to get the best out of your vision. You may also be
shown other techniques to help you overcome some of the difficulties you are finding because of your low vision.
What will happen afterwards?
At the end of your appointment, you may be loaned equipment you have found useful during the assessment.
This will be a long-term loan from the Clinic and you can keep the equipment for as long as you find it helpful.
There will be no need for you to attend the Low Vision clinic again if you are happy with what you have been issued. You will be given a contact telephone number to call if you have any problems with the equipment or if you feel that you would like a review of the equipment issued.
What do we ask of you?
- Please arrive in good time for your appointment
- If you are unable to attend your appointment, please give as much notice as possible
- Please return any items issued to you as soon as they are no longer needed
- For further information please contact:
Borders Eye Centre
Borders General Hospital
Melrose, Roxburghshire
TD6 9BS tel: 01896 826 771