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Key contacts

Leigh Deas, Caring for Smiles Programme Manager,

Morag Muir, Consultant in Dental Public Health,


Accessibility checks

The content of this toolkit has been for accessibility in line with RDS standard operating procedures.


Content management and governance

The content within the toolkit has been signed off by the authors, the Scottish Government Oral Health Improvement Leadership Group and the Caring for Smiles / Open Wide Strategic Groups.

The authors and groups mentioned will provide the function of ongoing development and sign off any updates.


Content review

Content within this toolkit will be reviewed regularly by the Caring for Smiles Programme Manager, a Consultant in Dental Public Health, and the Caring for Smiles and Open Wide Strategic Groups.



This toolkit complies with copyright legislation.

All icons are sourced from, accessed through the licence held by Tactuum Ltd as software provider of the RDS platform. 


Evidence base

Evidence came from the Caring for Smiles programme, which has a Public Health Scotland published guide. As part of the guide development, the oral health risk assessment, care plan and daily oral care was developed. The guide is regularly reviewed and any new evidence resulting in changes to the guide will be fed through to this toolkit.


Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

If you have any questions, comments or feedback, you can use the feedback form on the Right Decision Service website or contact Leigh Deas, Caring for Smiles Programme Manager,


Risk assessment

The content has been risk assessed:

  • The toolkit does not reference medicines
  • No risks to the safety of patients or service users have been identified


User testing

A pilot of the toolkit was undertaken in a small number of care homes and care at home services. All feedback on the content was taken into account and changes made accordingly.

All content was reviewed by two consultants in dental public health and the Caring for Smiles programme manager.