Unscheduled Leave
Sick leave policy
Short-term cover for sick leave is part of the prospective cover arrangements currently contained within a standard job contract. Although we try as much as possible to find locum cover, this is not always immediately available. This happens rarely but if it does, you may be expected to provide cover at short notice for absent colleagues if no other cover can be found (a contractual obligation under prospective cover arrangements). These short-term emergency cover arrangements often attracts additional payments or time off in lieu although is a contractual responsibility.
Sickness Certificates
A self certificate is required after 4 or more days of continuous sick leave - failure to submit one can be counted as unauthorised leave. No certificate is required for less than 4 days leave. Self certification forms (SP2) are obtainable at post offices, or can be downloaded from http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/forms/sc2.pdf. After 7 continuous days of absence, a doctor’s Fitness to return to work certificate is required (which must be submitted within 10 days of the start of absence or following return to work, whichever is sooner). Certificates should be forwarded to the DME secretaries in the Langlands building and will be passed on to HR. In certain circumstances a return to work meeting following a period of sickness may be required.
Who to contact
If you are unable to work please notify the department at the earliest opportunity (ideally 7.30am - 8.00am for day shift and no later than 12pm nightshift (M-F)). During working hours contact 0141 211 3262 (53262) and email Alisha.Cairns@ggc.scot.nhs.uk. You should provide details of:
- Anticipated length of absence
- Which wards you are covering and any OOH / receiving shifts
- Out of hours if you have receiving, weekend or night duties you should contact the on call registrar or DME consultant via switchboard.
- Email Ann Hagan when you return to work
Please also contact your base ward to let them know you are on sick leave.
You must follow up the telephone call with an email to Alisha on first day of absence and on the last day of sickness (regardless if it is your zero day or day off or weekend). If you do not notify your return you will still be classed as off sick.
Out of hours if you have receiving, weekend or night duties you should contact the on call registrar or DME consultant via switchboard.