Platform 5: Leading and managing nursing care and working in teams

"Registered nurses provide leadership by acting as a role model for best practice in the delivery of nursing care. They are responsible for managing nursing care and are accountable for the appropriate delegation and supervision of care provided by others in the team including lay carers. They play an active and equal role in the interdisciplinary team, collaborating and communicating effectively with a range of colleagues”

 future-nurse-proficiencies.pdf (


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Ways to evidence learning

NHS Tayside staff intranet 

LearnPro, Turas or NES (please log in and navigate to your module of choice)

    1. Team Working Leadership NQP
    2. Leadership 2020
    3. Values Based Recruitment
    4. Your Values Based Appraisal
    5. Facilitating Learning Feedback
    6. Coaching Skills
    1. Values Based Recruitment
    2. Flying Start for NQP’s Facilitators and Managers
    3. PS/PA training and updates
    4. Facilitation of Learning
    5. Planning to Talk
  • Turas

    1. Flying Start   
    2. Facilitation of Learning
    3. TURAS Leadership Foundations   
    4. NES Feedback resources (via Turas)  
    5. Leading for the future : tips for giving and receiving feedback
    6. TURAS Clinical Supervision Units 1 – 4   
    7. Leading Excellence in Care - leadership and development framework (Turas)
  • NES

    1. NES Development Needs Analysis Tools   
    2. Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Development Framework 

Scottish Government

Other resources