Introduction to NHSL Joint Adult Formulary


The Joint Adult Formulary has been developed to promote the safe, efficient and effective use of medicines and devices within NHS Lanarkshire. The formulary covers both primary and secondary care prescribing.

There is a collaborative approach to deciding which medicines and devices are included. For each therapeutic area, stakeholders from across Lanarkshire have met to consider evidence base, newly emerging medicines/devices, current prescribing patterns and relative costs. The final content of the formulary has been approved and endorsed by the Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee (ADTC).

The function of the formulary is to support the clinician to make informed prescribing decisions. The information provided does not replace clinical or professional judgement.

Links are provided for information and convenience only. We cannot accept responsibility for the information found there. A link does not imply endorsement of a site; likewise, not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement.

Review Dates

The formulary is an evolving and dynamic resource. The ‘last reviewed’ date of 31st January 2022 refers to the content migration date from the previous formulary website. The ‘next review’ date of 31st January 2025 refers to a proposed full chapter review date. This can be subject to change. There will be ongoing updates to formulary content between these dates. Please be aware the review dates do not reflect these ongoing changes. 

Contact Us

Please direct all formulary related comments and queries to

NHSL Joint Adult Formulary Key

To indicate the category of a formulary medicine, updated sections adopt the following key:

Preferred list (P): First-line formulary choices.


Total list (T): Alternative choices when preferred list options not effective/not tolerated, or not indicated.


Specialist initiation (S1): Specialist initiation, or on the advice of a Consultant or Specialist Practitioner in this therapeutic area. Continuation in primary care is acceptable.


Specialist use only (S2): Supply via hospital, Homecare Service or a hospital based prescription (HBP) for dispensing by community pharmacy. Not prescribed in primary care setting.

Formulary Amendments

Amendment requests from NHSL clinicians are welcome to ensure that formulary choices are appropriate and up-to-date.

Please complete the Formulary Amendment Request Form (downloadable Microsoft Word .docx version) and return it via email to or post to
Prescribing Department
Kirklands Hospital
Fallside Road
G71 8BB.

Clinicians may be asked to present their request to the ADTC.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/01/2022

Next review date: 31/01/2025

Author(s): NHSL.

Version: Please refer to the introduction section for an explanation of the review dates above.

Approved By: ADTC

Reviewer name(s): ADTC.

Document Id: April 2024