The recommended doses and schedules of cytotoxic drugs vary according to the tumour type and regimen. Chemotherapy treatment should always be prescribed under the supervision of an oncology specialist. Recommendations on choice, dosage and use of these agents are beyond the scope of this document.
All chemotherapy drugs cause side-effects and a balance has to be struck between likely benefit and acceptable toxicity. All the supportive medicines listed are prescribed via the chemotherapy clinic for the patients to take home. Some are prescribed prophylactically while others are prescribed in response to an observed side-effect of treatment.
Manufacturers’ product literature should be consulted for full details of side-effects associated with individual drugs.
The following information covers some of the main side-effects and some of the medications that are prescribed to help these. Further details can be found on the West of Scotland Cancer Network (WoSCAN) Supportive Care Guidelines (NHS Staff Intranet Access).