
NHSL Antimicrobial Guidelines

Secondary Care

Please refer to Adult Hospital Guidance.
Further Lanarkshire guidance can be found at Antibiotics – Adult Acute Guidance. Please note, the guidelines hosted on MedEd are in the process of being updated and moved across to this RDS website. 

Primary Care

Please refer to Adult Primary Care Guidance.
Further Lanarkshire guidance can be found at Antibiotics – Primary Care GuidancePlease note, the guidelines hosted on MedEd are in the process of being updated and moved across to this RDS website. 

The drugs included in these guidelines are suitable for the majority of infections seen in General Practice and for many cases within the hospital setting. For advice on interactions and cautions with anti-infectives, please consult the current BNF.

Treatment of Hepatitis B Virus

NICE Clinical Guidance [CG165] provides information on the diagnosis and management of chronic hepatitis B.

The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) also provides the Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection.


Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus

Treatment of HIV-1-Positive Adults

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV

Specialist use only (S2)


  • HIV specialist use only.
  • In combination with safer sex practices to reduce the risk of sexually acquired HIV-1 infection in adults at high risk.
  • SMC Advice April 2017.

NHSL Joint Adult Formulary Key

To indicate the category of a formulary medicine, updated sections adopt the following key:

Preferred list (P): First-line formulary choices.

Total list (T): Alternative choices when preferred list options not effective/not tolerated, or not indicated.

Specialist initiation (S1): Specialist initiation, or on the advice of a Consultant or Specialist Practitioner in this therapeutic area. Continuation in primary care is acceptable.

Specialist use only (S2): Supply via hospital, Homecare Service or a hospital based prescription (HBP) for dispensing by community pharmacy. Not prescribed in primary care setting.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/01/2022

Next review date: 31/01/2025

Author(s): NHSL.

Version: Please refer to the introduction section for an explanation of the review dates above.

Approved By: ADTC

Reviewer name(s): ADTC.