IL-6 Receptor Antagonists



Administration: Subcutaneous injection


  • Subcutaneous 200mg fortnightly
  • Reduce dose to 150mg fortnightly if Neutrophils 0.5-1x109/L or Platelets 50- 100x109/L or ALT/AST 1-3x upper limit of normal.

Time to response: Up to 12 weeks

Indications: Rheumatoid Arthritis.


  • Pregnancy & breast feeding.
  • Active infection including HBV & HIV.
  • Active/untreated latent TB.
  • ALT/AST >5X upper limit of normal.
  • Neutrophils < 0.5x109/l or Platelets <50x103/μl.
  • Uncontrolled hypertension or hyperlipidaemia.


  • Diverticulitis or intestinal ulceration.


  • Fasting lipid profile 4-8 weeks post infusion
  • FBC and LFTs every 4 weeks
  • BP every 4 weeks


  • Avoid live attenuated vaccines.
  • Offer annual influenza vaccination.
  • In those who are biologic naïve pneumococcal vaccination and Sars-Cov-2 vaccination should ideally be performed at least 2 weeks before commencing biologic treatment.
  • Assuming no contraindications before starting treatment:
    • Patients >50 should undergo vaccination against HZV.
    • Those who are varicella zoster negative should be offered varicella vaccination.

In the event of:

  • ALT/AST > 3x upper limit of normal – stop SARILUMAB.
  • Hyperlipidaemia - treat with lipid lowering agents.
  • Hypertension – treat as per SIGN 149 Guidelines.
  • Infection - withhold SARILUMAB until infection treated.
  • In patients with suspected complicated diverticulitis refer for urgent assessment.
  • Effective contraception whilst on treatment and for 3 months after receiving SARILUMAB.
  • Doses of drugs such as ATORVASTATIN, Calcium Channel Blockers, CICLOSPORIN, PHENYTOIN, Benzodiazepines, THEOPHYLLINE and WARFARIN SODIUM may need to be increased.


Administration: Subcutaneous injection or intravenous infusion


  • Subcutaneous – 162mg weekly
  • IV - TOCILIZUMAB 8mg/kg given on the MDBU once very 4 weeks. The minimum dose is 480mg.

Time to response: Up to 12 weeks.


  • Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • Giant Cell Arteritis.
  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.


  • Pregnancy & breast feeding.
  • Active infection including HBV & HIV.
  • Active/untreated latent TB.
  • ALT/AST >5X upper limit of normal.
  • Neutrophils < 0.5x109/l or Platelets <50x103/μl.
  • Uncontrolled hypertension or hyperlipidaemia.


  • Diverticulitis or intestinal ulceration.


  • Fasting lipid profile 4-8 weeks post infusion
  • FBC and LFTs every 4 weeks
  • BP every 4 weeks


  • Avoid live attenuated vaccines.
  • Offer annual influenza vaccination.
  • In those who are biologic naïve pneumococcal vaccination and Sars-Cov-2 vaccination should ideally be performed at least 2 weeks before commencing biologic treatment.
  • Assuming no contraindications before starting treatment:
    • Patients >50 should undergo vaccination against HZV.
    • Those who are varicella zoster negative should be offered varicella vaccination.

In the event of:

  • Infusion reactions – will be managed on MDBU.
  • ALT/AST > 3x upper limit of normal – stop TOCILIZUMAB.
  • Hyperlipidaemia - treat with lipid lowering agents.
  • Hypertension – treat as per SIGN 149 Guidelines.
  • Infection - withhold TOCILIZUMAB until infection treated.
  • In patients with suspected complicated diverticulitis refer for urgent assessment.
  • Effective contraception whilst on treatment and for 6 months after receiving TOCILIZUMAB.
  • Doses of drugs such as ATORVASTATIN, Calcium Channel Blockers, CICLOSPORIN, PHENYTOIN, Benzodiazepines, THEOPHYLLINE and WARFARIN SODIUM may need to be increased.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 16/11/2021

Next review date: 16/11/2024

Author(s): Dr Karen Donaldson (lead author), Dr Elizabeth Murphy, Professor Robin Munro, Dr Sanjiv Nandwani, Dr Saira Batool, Dr Georgiana Young, (other contributors to documents included in guideline).

Version: V1

Approved By: Dr Karen Donaldson Rheumatology Clinical Lead; Rheumatology Consultants

Reviewer name(s): Karen Donaldson.