IL-23 Inhibitors



Administration: Subcutaneous injection


  • The recommended dose of USTEKINUMAB is an initial dose of 45 mg, followed by a dose 4 weeks later and further doses every 12 weeks thereafter.
  • A dose of 90 mg may be used in people with a body weight over 100 kg.

Time to response: 2 weeks to 3 months

Indication: Psoriatic Arthritis.


  • Pregnancy & breast feeding.
  • Active infection including TB.
  • Latex allergy.


  • History of malignancy.
  • Predisposition to infection.
  • Active tuberculosis should be treated with standard treatment for at least 2 months before starting USTEKINUMAB.


  • Monitor for non-melanoma skin cancer, especially in patients with a history of PUVA treatment or prolonged immunosuppressant therapy, or those over 60 years of age.
  • Monitor for signs and symptoms of exfoliative dermatitis or erythrodermic psoriasis.


  • Avoid live attenuated vaccines.
  • Offer annual influenza vaccination.
  • In those who are biologic naïve pneumococcal vaccination and Sars-Cov-2 vaccination should ideally be performed at least 2 weeks before commencing biologic treatment.
  • Assuming no contraindications before starting treatment:
    • Patients >50 should undergo vaccination against HZV.
    • Those who are varicella zoster negative should be offered varicella vaccination.

In the event of:

  • Injection site reaction – usually settles without further intervention.
  • Sore throat/fever/bruising/pallor – stop USTEKINUMAB and check FBC.
  • Serious infection – stop USTEKINUMAB and restart once infection resolved.
  • Surgery – stop 1 week prior to surgery and resume after wound healingz.
  • Increasing dyspnoea – stop USTEKINUMAB and arrange CXR.
  • Start appropriate treatment if widespread erythema and skin exfoliation develop, and stop USTEKINUMAB treatment if exfoliative dermatitis suspected.


Administration: Sub-cutaneous injection

Dose: GUSELKUMAB 100mg 8 weekly, occasionally 4 weekly in severe disease.

Prescribing: Prescriptions will be issued by the Rheumatology Department and delivered to the patient via Homecare Services.

Time to response: Up to 24 weeks

Indication: Psoriatic Arthritis.


  • Pregnancy.
  • Active infection including HBV, HCV & HIV or active/latent TB.


  • Blood monitoring will be the responsibility of the prescribing department.
  • Liver function tests every 6 months.


  • Avoid live attenuated vaccines.
  • Offer annual influenza vaccination
  • In those who are biologic naïve pneumococcal vaccination and Sars-Cov-2 vaccination should ideally be performed at least 2 weeks before commencing biologic treatment.
  • Assuming no contraindications before starting treatment:
    • Patients >50 should undergo vaccination against HZV.
    • Those who are varicella zoster negative should be offered varicella vaccination.

Contraception: Is advised whilst on treatment and for 12 weeks after receiving GUSELKUMAB.

In the event of:

  • Infection - withhold GUSELKUMAB until infection treated.
  • If you have any concerns regarding a patient who has recently received GUSELKUMAB please contact the rheumatology department.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 16/11/2021

Next review date: 16/11/2024

Author(s): Dr Karen Donaldson (lead author), Dr Elizabeth Murphy, Professor Robin Munro, Dr Sanjiv Nandwani, Dr Saira Batool, Dr Georgiana Young, (other contributors to documents included in guideline).

Version: V1

Approved By: Dr Karen Donaldson Rheumatology Clinical Lead; Rheumatology Consultants

Reviewer name(s): Karen Donaldson.