IL-17 Inhibitors



Administration: Subcutaneous injection


  • 160mg (two 80mg injections) at week 0, then 80mg every 4 weeks
  • For concomitant moderate to severe plaque psoriasis - 160mg (two 80mg injections) at week 0, followed by 80mg (one injection) at weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, then maintenance dosing of 80mg every 4 weeks

Time to response: 2 weeks to 3 months


  • Psoriatic Arthritis.
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis.
  • Non-Radiographic Spondyloarthropathies.


  • Pregnancy & breast feeding.
  • Active infection.
  • Active TB.
  • Severe hypersensitivity reactions to the active substance or to any of the excipients.


  • Inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Latex sensitive individuals.


  • FBC, U&E, LFTs after 3 months, then 6 monthly


  • Avoid live attenuated vaccines.
  • Offer annual influenza vaccination.
  • In those who are biologic naïve pneumococcal vaccination and Sars-Cov-2 vaccination should ideally be performed at least 2 weeks before commencing biologic treatment.
  • Assuming no contraindications before starting treatment:
    • Patients >50 should undergo vaccination against HZV.
    • Those who are varicella zoster negative should be offered varicella vaccination.

In the event of:

  • Injection site reaction – usually settles without further intervention.
  • Sore throat/fever/bruising/pallor – stop IXEKIZUMAB and check FBC.
  • Serious infection – stop IXEKIZUMAB and restart once infection resolved.
  • Surgery – stop 1 week prior to surgery and resume after wound healing.
  • Increasing dyspnoea – stop IXEKIZUMAB and arrange CXR.
  • Stop IXEKIZUMAB at least 10 weeks before female patients attempt to conceive.


  • WBC < 3.5 x109/L
  • ALT/AST > two times normal
  • Neutrophils < 2.0 x 109/l
  • Platelets <150 x 109/l


Administration: Subcutaneous injection

Dose: 150mg or 300 mg, after first dose (week 0), further weekly injections at week 1,2, and 3. From week 4 - monthly injections. The 300 mg dose is given as two 150 mg injections. 

Time to response: 2 weeks to 3 months


  • Psoriatic Arthritis.
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis.
  • Non-Radiographic Spondyloarthropathies.


  • Pregnancy & breast feeding.
  • Active infection.
  • Active TB.
  • Severe hypersensitivity reactions to the active substance or to any of the excipients.


  • Crohn’s disease.
  • Latex sensitive individuals.


  • FBC, U&E, LFTs after 3 months, then 6 monthly


  • Avoid live attenuated vaccines.
  • Offer annual influenza vaccination.
  • In those who are biologic naïve pneumococcal vaccination and Sars-Cov-2 vaccination should ideally be performed at least 2 weeks before commencing biologic treatment.
  • Assuming no contraindications before starting treatment:
    • Patients >50 should undergo vaccination against HZV.
    • Those who are varicella zoster negative should be offered varicella vaccination.

In the event of:

  • Injection site reaction – usually settles without further intervention.
  • Sore throat/fever/bruising/pallor – stop SECUKINUMAB and check FBC.
  • Serious infection – stop SECUKINUMAB and restart once infection resolved.
  • Surgery – stop 1 week prior to surgery and resume after wound healing.
  • Increasing dyspnoea – stop SECUKINUMAB and arrange CXR.
  • Stop SECUKINUMAB 20 weeks before female patients attempt to conceive.


  • WBC < 3.5 x109/L
  • ALT/AST > two times normal
  • Neutrophils < 2.0 x 109/l
  • Platelets <150 x 109/l

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 16/11/2021

Next review date: 16/11/2024

Author(s): Dr Karen Donaldson (lead author), Dr Elizabeth Murphy, Professor Robin Munro, Dr Sanjiv Nandwani, Dr Saira Batool, Dr Georgiana Young, (other contributors to documents included in guideline).

Version: V1

Approved By: Dr Karen Donaldson Rheumatology Clinical Lead; Rheumatology Consultants

Reviewer name(s): Karen Donaldson.