Getting Started with the App

On your mobile device go to the App Store or the Google Play Store (or the Company Portal on NHSL devices) and search for ‘Right Decisions’. Download the app and open it.

Screenshot of Right Decisions App download window.

Select your options in regards to notifications (users of Apple's iOS).

Once downloaded click on ‘Get Started’. Then you should select the 'health & social care staff' option.

You then have the option to filter the content down to your organisation. Here you should select NHS Lanarkshire to only see guidelines from your health board. 

Screenshot of organisational filter on RDS app.

You should save all NHSL toolkits under ‘My Toolkits’. Toolkits are like folders, in which documents, information and resources are saved. NHSL toolkits include:

  • Guidelines
  • Medical Scores & Calculators
  • Medicines Guidance
  • Referral Pathways
  • Antimicrobial Guidelines
  • COVID-19

You will be able to find all of these with your search for NHS Lanarkshire or use the filter function. When you click on a toolkit you will get the option to 'Add to my toolkits'. We would recommend you do this with all NHS Lanarkshire toolkits listed above to make sure you have information relevant to NHSL at your fingertips. 

Screenshot of My Toolkits tab in RDS app.

To search the NHSL resources you need to click on the toolkit you would like to search (e.g. Medicines Guidance). Once you are in the toolkit, you can use the search function using keywords.

Please remember to remove the old NHSL Guidelines app from your device, if you have it installed on your device.

To access the guidelines through your desktop or laptop, go to or search for the right decisions service using a search engine. If you are only looking for resources by your health board, go to organisations and find and click on NHS Lanarkshire, or use the search function available. Once you have navigated to your organisation you can use the search function to only search NHS Lanarkshire resources as normal.

App’s Features and Utilities

  • Under 'Saved' you can find all your bookmarked resources.
  • Under 'Notifications' you can see any notifications related to your saved toolkits.
  • Under 'More' you can find information about the app, a feedback from, the app disclaimer, and the option to change your user mode between 'Public/Patient' or 'Health & social care staff'.
  • Under 'Home' you can find 'All Toolkits' and 'My Toolkits'.

Screenshot of 'More' menu in RDS app.

Filter (Fast Filter) - Content Grouping Within Sections

It is difficult to quickly navigate to pages and/or content you want when facing a long list. You can use ‘Filter’ functionality to improve your experience and group relevant content.

The filter functionality is available within NHSL Guidelines app in a shape of a filter box, where you type your keywords.

Use the ‘Filter’ box at the top within a selected section and start typing your keyword, e.g. ‘Stroke’. The list of pages/content will change instantly to reflect your needs.

The filter functionality is available within NHSL Guidelines app in a shape of a filter box, where you type your keywords. The word type in the box is 'Stroke'.

Browser Recommendations

In order to view and use this website, you should use a web browser other than Internet Explorer. Options include: Chrome, Edge and Firefox.
These modern browsers will provide you with faster and more responsive browsing and an overall improved experience on the web.

NHSL Mobile Devices

The Right Decisions: Health & Care App is typically available to all NHSL mobile devices for install or pushed as an automatic install. If this is not the case for you, please contact the eHealth IT Service Desk.

Password-protected PDFs Not Opening in the App on Android Devices

Use the NHSL Guidelines website to open and view the password-protected PDFs in a web browser on the Android devices. The ability to view password-protected PDFs inside the app is not part of the current app specification, it does work on iOS/Apple devices as part of the in-built PDF viewer, however the Android PDF viewer does not support this function.

Attributions for Icons Used in the NHSL Guidelines App

surang (nd) Drug Free Icon [The icon used for NHSL Joint Adult Formulary]. Available at: (Accessed: 10th May 2022).

Freepik (nd) Medical Prescription Free Icon [The icon used for Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidance]. Available at: (Accessed: 23rd may 2022).

Freepik (nd) Virus Free Icon [The icon used for Long Covid]. Available at: (Accessed: 26th May 2022). 

Freepik (nd) Medical Prescription free icon [Icon used for Guidelines]. Available at: Medical prescription - Free healthcare and medical icons (  (Accessed: 8th June 2022)  

Freepik (nd) Calculator free icon [Icon used for Medical Scores & Calculator]. Available at: Calculate - Free business icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022)   

Flat Icons (nd) Journey free icon [icon used for Referral Pathways]. Available at: Journey - Free marketing icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Covid-19 free icon [Icon used for COVID-19]. Available at: Covid-19 - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Linector (nd) Think Out Of The Box free icon [Icon used for Content Under Design]. Available at: Think out of the box - Free art and design icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022)  

Freepik (nd) Drug Addiction free icon [icon used for addictions]. Available at:Drug addiction - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Eucalyp (nd) Biochemistry free icon [icon used for Biochemistry]. Available at: Biochemistry - Free education icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022)  

Freepik (nd) Oncology free icon [icon used for Cancer Services], Available at: Oncology - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Cardio free icon [icon used for Cardiovascular]. Available at: Cardio - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Nursing Home free icon [icon used for Care homes] Available at: Nursing home - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Idoso Ícone grátis [icon used for Care of the Elderly] Available at: Idoso | Ícone Gratis ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) protect free icon [icon used for Child Protection] Available at: Protect - Free people icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Water Drop free icon [icon used for Electrolyte Disturbance] Available at: Water drop - Free weather icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022)  

Flat Icons (nd) Stomach free icon [icon used for Gastroenterology]. Available at: Stomach - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

srip (nd) Blood free icon [icon used for Haematology]. Available at: Blood - Free medical icons ( (Accessed 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Group free icon [icon used for Induction to Primary & Secondary Care]. Available at: Group - Free people icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Solution free icon [icon used for Mental Health]. Available at: Solution - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Good Ware (nd) Microbiology free icon [icon used for Microbiology] Available at: Microbiology - Free education icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Neurology free icon [icon used for Neurology]. Available at: Neurology - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

photo3idea_studio (nd) Helping Hand free icon [icon used for Occupational Therapy]. Available at: Helping hand - Free hands and gestures icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Ophthalmology free icon [icon used for Ophthalmology]. Available at: Ophthalmology - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Kid free icon [icon used for Paediatrics]. Available at: Kid - Free kid and baby icons ( (Accessed: 8th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Myalgia free icon [icon used for Pain Control] Available at:Myalgia - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Eucalyp (nd) Respiratory free icon [icon used for Respiratory] Available at: Respiratory - Free miscellaneous icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Smashicons (nd) Cpr free icon [icon used for Resuscitation & Anaphylaxis] Available at: Cpr - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) No Smoking free icon [icon used for Smoking Cessation] Available at: No smoking - Free signaling icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Urology free icon [icon used for urology] Available at: Urology - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed; 10th June 2022)  

Freepik (nd) Calculator free icon [icon used for Medical Calculators] Available at: Calculator - Free technology icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Grade free icon [icon used for Medical Scores] Available at: Grade - Free education icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Business And Finance free icon [icon used for Minutes of ADTC Meetings] Available at: Business and finance - Free people icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Newspaper free icon [icon used for ADTC Bulletins] Available at: Newspaper - Free communications icons ( (Accessed: 10th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Compliant free icon [icon used for Medicine Updates & Code of Practice/Safe Prescribing] Available at: Compliant - Free education icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Http free icon [icon used for Useful Links] Available at: Http - Free interface icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Pulse free icon [icon used for Cardiology Referral Pathways] Available at: Pulse - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Kiranhastry (nd) Gastroenterologist free icon [icon used for Gastroenterology Referral Pathways] Available at: Gastroenterologist - Free people icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

monkik (nd) Jigsaw free icon [icon used for General Referral Pathways] Available at: Jigsaw - Free business icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Blood Test free icon [icon used for Haematology Referral Pathways] Available at: Blood test - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Girl free icon [icon used for Paediatrics Referral Pathways] Available at: Girl - Free people icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Skyclick (nd) Respiration free icon [icon used for Respiratory Referral Pathways] Available at: Respiration - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

srip (nd) Bone free icon [icon used for Rheumatology Referral Pathways] Available at: Bone - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022)  

Freepik (nd) Cerebral free icon [icon used for Stroke Referral Pathways] Available at: Cerebral - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Urology free icon [icon used for Urology Referral Pathways] Available at: Urology - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Vascular free icon [icon used for Vascular Surgical Referral Pathways] Available at: Vascular - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Biology free icon [icon used Antimicrobial Guidelines] Available at: Bacteria - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Hospital free icon [icon used Adult Hospital Guidance] Available at: Hospital - Free architecture and city icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Stethoscope free icon [icon used for Adult Primary Care Guidance] Available at: Stethoscope - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Scalpel free icon [icon used for Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis] Available at: Scalpel - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Baby free icon [icon used for Paediatric Guidance] Available at: Baby - Free people icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Alert free icon [icon used for Antibiotics & Memos] Available at: Alert - Free signaling icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Book free icon [icon used for Local Guidance & Resources] Available at: Book - Free education icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Medicine free icon [icon used for Drugs & Therapeutics] Available at: Medicine - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Stethoscope free icon [icon used for Primary Care] Available at: Stethoscope - Free medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Hospital free icon [icon used for Secondary Care] Available at: Hospital - Free buildings icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Spa free icon [icon used for Wellbeing] Available at: Spa - Free beauty icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Surang (nd) Business and Finance free icon [icon used for Training] Available at: Business and finance - Free people icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Pixel Perfect (nd) Plus free icon [icon used for Pharmacy] Available at: Plus - Free signs icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022) 

Freepik (nd) Renal icons [icon used for Renal] Available at: Renal - Free healthcare and medical icons ( (Accessed: 15th June 2022)

Freepik (nd) Help icons [icon used for Community Nursing] Available at: Help icons - Free icons ( (Accessed: 27th July 2022)

Berkahicon (nd) Coronavirus icons [icon used for Perioperative Care] Available at: Coronavirus icons (Accessed: 14th of October 2022)

Freepik (nd) Medicine icons [icon used for Medicines Preparation & Administration] Available at: Medicine Icons ( (Accessed: 13th January 2023)

Freepik (nd) Cancer icons [icon used for Primary Care Cancer Referrals] Available at: Cancer Icons ( (Accessed: 19th January 2023)

Freepik (nd) Scotland icons [icon used for National Antimicrobial Guidelines] Available at: Scotland Icons ( (Accessed: 24th March 2023)

Freepik (nd) Physical Therapy [icon used for Physiotherapy Referral Pathways] Available at: Physical Therapy ( (Accessed: 21st June 2023)

srip (nd) About Icons [icon used for Further Information/About Toolkit] Available at: About Icons ( (Accessed: 30th of October 2023)

Freepik (nd) Radiology icons [icon used for Radiology Referral Pathways] Available at Radiology icons ( (Accessed: 13th of November 2023)

Flat Icons (nd) Ent icons [icon used for Ear, Nose & Throat Referral Pathways and Ear, Nose and Throat] Available at Ent icons ( (Accessed: 29th of November 2023)

Flat Icons (nd) Protocol icons [icon used for Medical Protocols] Available at Protocol icons ( (Accessed: 16th of February 2024)

Flat Icons (nd) Nurse icons [icon used for Neonatology] Available at Nurse icons ( (Accessed: 1st of May 2024)

Editorial Information

Author(s): NHS Lanarkshire.

Reviewer name(s): Ania Matuszewska.