Welcome to NHSL Guidelines Website/App

The NHSL Guidelines app/website (“App”) is designed to support NHS Lanarkshire staff.

Our aim is to provide a single source of information for guidelines, medicines, referral pathways and COVID-19.
This should help with easy access to a wealth of information that should ultimately aid in delivery of safe and effective patient care with reduced variation and increased efficiency.

The content of the app is uncontrolled when in hard/printed copy format or stored in any electronic system other than the NHS Lanarkshire Guidelines/NHSL Guidelines.

The App is being developed in phases. It remains a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

About the App

The information and resources within this App have been created, reviewed and are editorially maintained by NHS Lanarkshire to ensure that NHS Lanarkshire staff have instant access to the most up to date information. The app will alert you to changes in guidance to keep you current.

This guideline does not indicate an exclusive course of action or serve as a standard of medical care. Author(s) has made reasonable efforts to ensure information is accurate and up to date and accept no no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading, or the success of any treatment regimen detailed in the app.

About Toolkits

NHSL Guidelines

The NHSL Guidelines toolkit brings together toolkits listed below under one interface allowing easy navigation between them.

  • Adult Support and Protection

Resources for the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

  • Antimicrobial Prescribing: NHS Lanarkshire

National and NHSL-specific Antimicrobial Guidelines including Primary Care Guidance and Paediatric Guidance.

  • Child Protection Guidance

Principles, definitions, responsibilities and advice on referral and investigation from the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

  • Child Protection Procedures

Official North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership Child Protection Procedures.

  • NHS Lanarkshire Dementia Post Diagnosis Support

In development and coming soon.

  • NHSL Guidelines

The Guidelines toolkit is a single source of information for NHSL guidelines.

  • NHSL Medical Scores & Calculators

The Medical Scores & Calculators toolkit contains a selection of links to well established tools supporting clinical decision-making and management.

  • NHSL Referral Pathways

The Referral Pathways toolkit consists of pathways developed by all stakeholders during the patient journey to ensure seamless approach to patient care, reduction in variation to care provided and increased efficiency.

  • NHSL Medicines Guidance

The Medicines Guidance toolkit is intended as a reference source about safe, efficient and effective use of medicines and devices. It consists of Adult Formulary, Medicines Updates, Medicines Approval Process etc.

  • NHSL Antimicrobial Guidelines

The Antimicrobial Guidelines contained within this app applies to prescribing within NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL) only.
It has been produced by NHSL Antimicrobial Management Committee (AMC) adapting latest infection evidence base and therapeutic consensus from national specialist groups such as Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) and Public Health England (PHE) whilst also taking into account local antimicrobial resistance patterns and NHSL Health Board formulary preferences.
All content and supporting materials have been ratified by internal governance processes and as such have full NHSL Area Drug and Therapeutic Committee endorsement.

  • NHSL ZContent Outline

In development and coming soon.



This website/app (“App”) is intended as a reference source for the guidance of staff as to how conditions are normally managed within the clinical areas. The App is intended for use by healthcare professionals working in NHS Lanarkshire, legally known as Lanarkshire Health Board (the “Board”). Users should note that the guidance within the App will not be suitable for every situation and is not intended to be a substitute for specialist expertise and clinical judgement. The App should not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. The App includes access to national guidelines.

The content of the App is specific to this Board and it may not be applicable to other local healthcare areas. While the Board makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the information accessed via the App is correct, the Board does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the material accessed via the App.

The Board may make changes to the App at any time without notice. Some of the material accessed via the App may be out of date, and the Board makes no commitment to update such material. Where the App contains links to other sites and or resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. The Board has no control over and no liability in respect of the content of these sites and resources. The App is provided “as is”, without any conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the App is made available by the Board on the basis that the Board excludes all representations, warranties, conditions and other terms (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill) which, but for this legal notice, might have effect in relation to the App.

Users assume all responsibility for using the information accessed via the App. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure the information being accessed for patient care is current.

Copyright Notice

The content remains the property of NHS Lanarkshire. View NHS Lanarkshire Copyright Statement on the reuse of any material on this site.

Accessibility Statement

We are committed to making this website/app (“App”) accessible.
The App is compliant with Android and Apple accessibility standards for native mobile apps. The website is compliant with WC3 Accessibility Standards.

The App is being developed using the Quris system from Tactuum - a health and social care web/mobile specialist with clients in the UK and the US.

Please view NHS Lanarkshire Accessibility Statement and Tactuum’s Accessibility Statement for Mobile Apps on the Quris Platform for further details.

Some content (PDF documents) may not meet accessibility standards and we are working towards addressing it.


If you wish to feedback on any of the site content, please use the Contact and Feedback form or send an email to libraries@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk.

Editorial Information

Author(s): NHS Lanarkshire.

Reviewer name(s): Ania Matuszewska.