Key Resources

Syringe Pump Guidelines and resources PLEASE NOTE this replaces previous NHSGGC Guidelines for the use of the T34 Ambulatory Syringe Pump by CME Medical for adults in palliative care 

PECOS Order Codes Updated April 2023


UPDATE 19/09/23

Medical Physics have advised that there is a potential issue if Duracell batteries are used in the pumps and then subsequently switched to Panasonic.

The Duracell batteries are a little bigger (and longer) than the Panasonic, so pumps that have been using the Duracell’s have the springs in the battery compartment pushed in a bit more. If a Panasonic is then installed it can be a bit loose, loses electrical contact and stop working / or not turn on at all.
The brass springs can be gently levered out a bit, thus allowing the Panasonic batteries to sit more snugly in the battery compartment and not move about.

Primary Care

Primary Care staff must complete a mandatory full day study day, Learnpro GGC: 100 CME T34 Calculations and CME T34 Syringe Pump Competency Framework.

For training dates visit the Education Calendar or contact the Primary Care Palliative Care Team.

Thereafter, every 3 years staff must complete a half day T34 training update and repeat the Learnpro Calculations module and Competency Framework.

Syringe Pump Competency Framework for Palliative Care in Adults Primary Care (April 2023)

Additional Resources


CME T34 Learnpro module

This eModule is for registered nurses, medical staff and pharmacists who are delivering subcutaneous medication for palliative care patients by bolus or using the T34 Syringe pump by CME Medical. This module is in addition to, and does not replace, face-to-face training. It is useful as a reminder after face to face training has taken place.

Acute staff

Go to the StaffNet Syringe Pumps webpage for additional resources used in hospital setting including any updates in ordering supplies.

Instruction Videos

Subcutaneous Insertion of a Saf-T Intima in Palliative Care Patients hosted on NHSGGC YouTube Channel.

Procedure for Insertion of a Saf-T Intima

Setting up T34 Syringe Pump