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Update your RDS mobile app to v4.7.2 to download toolkits even when website is down.

We are pleased to advise that deep linking capability, enabling users to directly download individual mobile toolkits, has now been released on the RDS mobile app. You will see that each toolkit has a small QR code icon in the header area beside the search icon – see screenshot below. Clicking on this icon will open up a window with a full-size QR code and the alternative of a short URL for sharing with users. Instructions are provided.

You may need to actively update to the latest release - RDS app version 4.7.1 - to see this improvement.

Updating to this latest version of the RDS app is also strongly recommended to get the full benefits of the new resilience  arrangements – specifically, that if the RDS website should fail, you will still be able to download new mobile app toolkits. To check your current RDS version, click on the three dots bottom right of the RDS app screen. This takes you to a “More” page where you will see the version number.  To install latest updates:

On iPhones – go to the Apple store, click on your profile icon top right, scroll down to see the apps waiting to be updated and update the RDS app.

On Android phones – these can vary, but try going to the Google Play store, click on your profile icon top right, click on “Manage apps and device”, select and update the RDS app.

Please get in touch with with any questions.

I'm looking for support for a patient


“Having their financial needs addressed is often an individual’s most pressing priority, over and above their physical needs” – Consultant in Palliative Medicine, QEUH

Money worries can affect everyone at some point in their lives when circumstances change, such as ill health, family job loss, disability, caring responsibilities, relationship breakdown or bereavement.

NHSGGC provides financial support services for its patient population. This section covers what is available for our hospital patients.

Help with hospital costs



1. The Hospital Travel Costs schemeWebsite is for hospital only appointments and is for people with a low income or on certain benefits including Universal Credit. There are criteria for the type of transport reimbursed. The claimant must pay first then can get a refund from the cash office in the hospital. For more information on hospital transport, travel and parking, please visit: Transport, Travel and Parking - Information for Patients and Visitors - NHSGGCWebsite

2. Young Patients Family FundWebsite covers travel and subsistence costs for those who have family members who are in-patients in hospitals.

3. Patient Transport ServiceWebsite for patients who have a medical condition or mobility need that requires ambulance transport to get to their healthcare appointment. The service is available to take patients to and from pre-arranged hospital appointments, or for admission and discharge to hospital.

4. There is a National Entitlement Card for people with disabilities who are entitled to have a companion travel with them on the same journey. Companion travel is charged at a reduced rate. To apply call SPT on 0141 333 3211Phone Call or Concessions | SPT | Strathclyde Partnership for TransportWebsite

5. The MyBus scheme provides a drop off and pick up service for those accessing health appointments - MyBus | SPT | Strathclyde Partnership for TransportWebsite. Please note that there is currently a reduced and restricted service.

6. There is the National Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme, support may be required to access this, it’s for all children and young people aged 5-22 in Scotland

For children aged 5-10 years application can be made at parentsportal | parentsportal.scotWebsite

For applications aged 11-21 years applications can be made at getyournec.scotWebsite

Libraries can help with the application and verification of evidence, they can also advise on those already with/eligible for a Young Scot card. There is support available through schools also.

The Cost of Living Crisis in GGC – Health Implications



Poverty and low income can make it more likely for someone to develop a health problem and can hinder a person’s ability to manage their health conditions and follow treatment advice. Poverty has a significant impact on the NHS and social care in the UK, estimated at £29bn per year. [1]

The current cost of living crisis means many people are finding it even harder than before to make ends meet. We define poverty as being when a person or household is unable to cover the cost of living. This might mean not being able to heat your home, pay your bills or buy the essentials for your children. [2]

The following video, I live in real poverty and it's not what you think, explains this well:Youtube



NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has some of the highest rates of poverty and deprivation in the country. 28% of children in Glasgow City live in relative low income families- this is higher than anywhere else in Scotland. [3]


[1] Poverty and the health and care system | The King's Fund (

[2] What is poverty? | JRFWebsite

[3] Income Deprivation | The Glasgow Indicators Project (

Hospital money advice partnership services



Across our hospital sites we run money advice and financial inclusion service partnerships with a range of providers. These are holistic services which can help people with their financial wellbeing in a range of ways, for example supporting access to social security benefits, help with home energy costs and debts, and help to apply for charitable supports and grants.

It’s important to bear in mind that people’s circumstances can change over time. Someone who says they don’t want any money advice support might change their mind the next time they are asked. People often do not wish to share that they are experiencing problems but could benefit from knowing where to go for advice.

We run fully confidential money advice partnership services at the following hospitals for people using our services. You can make a referral to any of the below listed hospitals- excluding the Royal Hospital for Children. Please use the following form to do this:

Hospital Money Advice Partnership Service Referral Form


Glasgow Royal Infirmary –Money Advice Service


Or for patients who are homeless or at risk:



Inverclyde Royal Hospital – Inverclyde Advice First


New Victoria – Money Advice Service


Queen Elizabeth University Hospital – GEMAP Money Advice Service


Royal Alexandria Hospital – Renfrewshire Advice Works


Royal Hospital for Children


Stobhill Hospital – Money Advice Service


Vale of Leven District General Hospital – Citizens Advice Partnership



Alternatively, patients can be referred to any of these services via our hospital Support and Information ServicesWebsite, or the Family support and Information ServiceWebsite.

Hospital Money Advice Partnership Service Referral Form

Home Energy Crisis Response Service



NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde run a partnership with Money Matters to offer all hospital patients a home energy crisis response service. This service helps patients who are unable or have difficulty paying for heat or electricity for their home.

Patients can access this service via the hospital Support and Information Services. Staff can also contact the hospital Support and Information ServicesWebsite on the patient’s behalf.

DWP Hospital Helpline


Department for Work & Pensions Logo

People diagnosed with a new health condition, or parents with a child who needs to attend hospital as an inpatient or outpatient, may be newly entitled to certain benefits.

At present the benefits system in Scotland is administered by both the Department of Work and Pensions and Social Security Scotland:

Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Hospital Helpline

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a partnership with the DWP to provide hospital patients who are clients of the DWP quick and direct access to advice and support. To discuss benefits, appointments or any other DWP related enquiries, please contact staff from the DWP between the hours 10:00am to 14:00 Monday to Friday on any of the following numbers:

Jacky Kean 07920812160Phone Call

Laura Ferguson 07920796431Phone Call

Gordon Wallace 07788708753Phone Call

Patients that are not currently clients of the DWP can find out more about the range of benefits they may be entitled to at the following link DWP - BenefitsWebsite

Social Security Scotland Hospital Service

Image Picker Icon

Social Security Scotland Logo

People diagnosed with a new health condition, or parents with a child who needs to attend hospital as an inpatient or outpatient, may be newly entitled to certain benefits.

At present the benefits system in Scotland is administered by both the Department of Work and Pensions and Social Security Scotland:


Social Security Scotland (SSS)

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde also have a partnership with Social Security Scotland to support patients applying for Adult Disability Payment. Advisors from Social Security Scotland operate a regular drop-in service for patients in Stobhill and Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals. For more information, please contact the hospital Support and Information ServicesLink symbol.


Information on Child Disability Payment, Scottish Child Payment and Best Start Grant and Foods and a range of carer’s benefits can be found on the Social Security Scotland website: SSS - BenefitsLink symbol.


Other sources of support

There is a Scottish Government online portal offering advice on managing debt, claiming benefits, and paying bills. It also highlights support available for families, older people, people with disabilities and carers as well as resources to support mental health: Cost of Living Support ScotlandWebsite


Find out more about eligibility for benefits and charitable grants by visiting the Turn 2 Us website: Tackling Financial Insecurity Together | Turn2usWebsite.


Financial support following bereavement: Death - mygov.scotWebsite.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 19/07/2024

Next review date: 18/07/2025

Author(s): Health Improvement Lead, NHS GGC.

Author email(s):

Approved By: Acute Health Improvement Team