IV cefotaxime (or ceftriaxone unless contraindicated) + either amoxicillin or ampicillin IV for at least 14 days.

Contraindications to ceftriaxone:

  • Premature neonates with corrected gestational age under 41 weeks and other neonates under 1 month old, particularly those with jaundice, hypalbuminaemia, or acidosis; or receiving concomitant treatment with intravenous calcium.

Long-term management:

  • Before discharge consider need for aftercare, discuss potential long-term effects with parents, arrange hearing test.
  • Refer children with severe or profound deafness for cochlear implant assessment ASAP.
  • Use Meningitis Research Foundation (2020) Discharge checklist
  • Provide MRF (2019) Your guide and direct to meningitis support organisations MRF (2022) After effects or Meningitis Now (n.d.) Your guide and my journal.
  • Offer further care on discharge as needed.
  • Paediatrician to review child with results of their hearing test 4-6weeks after discharge from hospital considering all potential morbidities and offer referral.
  • Inform GP, health visitor or school nurse.
  • Notify public health
  • Follow up prophylaxis for household contacts. See MRF (2018) Management of meningococcal disease in children and young people.