Attaching the trolley
Note: the spacer bar ensures correct placement.
Attaching the monitor
Note: the “rabbit ears” will hold the monitor firmly in place. Use release button to remove
Attaching the Oxylog 3000
Insert Oxlog 3000 at 45 degree angle to ensure snug fit and rotate upwards to secure at rear
Attaching the Laerdal suction unit
Insert at 45 degree angle ensuring base restraints are lined up and then fasten clip to secure
Braun syringe pumps
The syringe pump stack remains fixed to the transfer trolley at all times and can accommodate up to 4 separate pumps. The pumps will charge when the trolley is on mains supply.
Charging the transfer trolley
The transfer trolley is fitted with a retractable mains supply plug and should be plugged to wall source power when not in use.
Oxygen supply
The trolley has 2 E size cylinders (680 Litres in each) with Schraeder valve and in addition the Stryker Trolley has a F size cylinder underneath (1360 Litres).