Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

  • Is not an acceptable practice 
  • Is illegal in the UK 
  • Is a form of child abuse under UK law 
  • Is every professional's responsibility to consider if infants are at risk of this practice and to try and stop it happening  


See link below (especially flowchart 1, page 62, Interagency FGM procedures doc), but basically FGM risk is assessed antenatally by maternal midwifes at the booking appointment, look out for a note in their TRAK Maternity Chronology, in any cases where FGM is disclosed the mother should have been referred to a specialist Midwife who will make appropriate referrals if FGM is felt to be possible. In absence of concerns from this assessment or from further information/concerns, normal documentation of examination of female genitalia should be documented as usual in the newborn examination questionnaire on TRAK. It is the Midwifes responsibility to copy risk assessment to GP, HV and CCH. If the above assessment does not appear to have occurred despite risk factors or any ongoing concerns discuss with attending consultant.  


Interagency FGM Procedures – Edinburgh Lothians 21 6 17 

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 02/10/2019

Next review date: 02/10/2029

Author(s): David Quine.