NIRS (03) quick guide 4 - clearing data (NIRS (03) Guide 3 Removing Monitoring)
The Masimo O3 will automatically store up to 96 hours of data.
If the patient is enrolled for the ICON study, please DO NOT clear data from the O3, as this will be downloaded for the study. Patients enrolled in the study will have a cot card. For patients enrolled in the study, please turn the NIRS monitor off and leave it in the cot space until a member of the study team can attend.
For patients who are not enrolled in the study, steps to clear the data are below.
Select the main menu button from the bottom right of the home screen.
Select the trend settings button
Select the clear trends button and then press ok at the bottom of the screen to confirm.
All trends data will now be deleted, and the machine can be used for another patient.