NIRS (03) quick guide 2 - home screen
rSO2: Cerebral Oxygen Saturation
Record 1 hourly under rSO2 in Badger “Basic Obs” form.
Reference range: 64-85%.
If <64%, >85% or >20% change from patient baseline, then review relevant algorithm in Badger guideline.
Reflects balance between O2 delivery to and O2 consumption by the brain.
ΔHbi: Delta Haemoglobin Indices
Measure change in total, oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin. An index indicating degree of change is given, not an absolute measurement. The range is -99.9 to 99.9.
A negative figure indicates a downward trend and positive indicates upward trend.
ΔcHbi indicates change in total haemoglobin, a marker for cerebral blood volume.
Only displayed if ΔHbi is zeroed (see guide 1).
Additional parameter, not recorded in Badger.
Use the + and – buttons in the bottom right of the screen to alter the length of trend displayed on the screen.