Inclusion Criteria
- Baby is clinically stable
- Babies ≥35 weeks gestation
- Babies who are 35-36 weeks gestation SHOULD BE DISCUSSED WITH ATTENDING CONSULTANT
- > 24 hours old (if >37 weeks gestation)
- > 72hours old (if <37 weeks gestation)
- Baby is > 2kg
- Serum bilirubin level above recommended treatment level but 50mmol/L below exchange transfusion level (see table below)
- Serum bilirubin rate of rise is <8.5mmol/hr
- Parents are competent in using home phototherapy unit
- No safeguarding concerns
- No other clinical concerns or co morbidities i.e.. no known family history or risk factors which might indicate a rapid rise of bilirubin e.g. blood group incompatibility or significant bruising
Exclusion criteria
- < 35 weeks gestation
- Jaundice < 24h of age
- Family history of jaundice requiring exchange transfusion
- Family history of haemolytic disease
- Serum bilirubin level within 50mmol of exchange transfusion level
- Known ABO or rhesus incompatibility
- Serum bilirubin level continuing to rise despite phototherapy
- Signs suggesting infection or that the baby is unwell:
- Inability to maintain normothermia (36.5-37.5 degrees)
- Lethargic or poor feeding
- Irritable, pale or floppy
- Mottled skin / poor perfusion
- Signs of respiratory distress including increased work of breathing / shallow breathing, tachypnoea or cyanosis
- Any other concerns that baby should not be managed at home:
- Social concerns
- Compliance with home phototherapy