Conjugated jaundice investigations - part 2


Second Stage Investigations

Link to Form

(Considering history, examination, laboratory findings and specialist advice). 

NOTE: these investigations should only be carried out selectively after discussion with the attending neonatal consultant.




Hepatobiliary scintigraphy

Pre-treat with phenobarbital 5mg/kg nocte for at least 3 days, and continue to scan until 24 hours post isotope, if there has been no excretion before then.


Liver biopsy



Syphilis serology



Viral PCR

e.g. herpes, CMV


Eye examination

For embryotoxon, chorioretinitis, septo-optic dysplasia


X-ray spine

Looking for butterfly vertebrae


Cardiology opinion

If murmur


Tests for rare disorders




Flouride oxalate tube



Lithium heparin tube on ice (RHSC)





Uric acid, Carnitine



Very long chain fatty acids



Urine and serum for inborn errors of bile salt metabolism



Acyl carnitines



Alpha fetoprotein



Isoelectric focussing of transferrin



Karyotype, cholestasis gene panel, mitochondrial DNA mutations and mtDNA depletion syndrome and/or perforin expression       



White cell enzymes either glycogen or lysosomal storage



CSF for protein and lactate



Tubular re-absorption of phosphate



Ferritin and transferring saturation



MRI head



Muscle biopsy for mitochondrial cytopathy



Bone marrow for storage disorders



Skin biopsy for fibroblast culture




Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 14/07/2023

Next review date: 14/07/2033

Author(s): David Quine.