• Patients attending the ED with a mental health presentation will be triaged and referred to psychiatry, where appropriate.
  • MHAATS provides a 24hour assessment service and will respond to referrals to the emergency department as quickly as possible.
  • Where a patient is detained in the community but needs to attend the ED before proceeding to the psychiatric ward (for example to have stitches removed), the escort staff must remain with the patient.
  • The period of time spent in the ED will be part of detention period.


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/05/2021

Author(s): Julia Ferrari, Joe McGhee, Duncan Westall, William McFadden, Heather Tainsh , Susan Sutherland, Marie White , Anne Cook, Justin McNicholl, Douglas Armstrong, Dr Nabila Muzaffar, Dr Stuart Affleck, Dr David Cumming, Andrew Angus, Jackie Maher, Rose Mills, Vincent Hughes..