For further information and advice regarding penicillin allergy, dosing, important interactions/adverse effects/safety considerations and antimicrobial stewardship please refer to the USER GUIDE.


Refer to: DG RefHelp: Sexual Health: Epididymo-orchitis

Offer STI screen

Send midstream urine specimen (MSU) for microscopy and culture prior to starting antibiotics


Treatment depends on most likely underlying cause:
For risk assessment criteria, refer to DG RefHelp: Sexual Health: Epididymo-orchitis: Treatment

Sexually transmitted infection: Refer to sexual health for investigations and treatment

Enteric organism: Ofloxacin dose

Duration: 14 days


Bacterial vaginosis

Candidiasis (vulval, vaginal, penile)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/07/2024

Next review date: 31/07/2027

Version: V1.0

Approved By: AMT (23.07.24) and ADTC (31.07.24)

Reviewer name(s): Jon van Aartsen (consultant microbiologist), Claire Mitchell (pharmacist).