For further information and advice regarding penicillin allergy, dosing, important interactions/adverse effects/safety considerations and antimicrobial stewardship please refer to the USER GUIDE.

Otitis media

Usually self-limiting illness lasting around 3-7 days

Advise on analgesia


Cases where antibiotics are required (e.g. systemically unwell, high risk of complications)


Refer to: Hospital: Paediatrics (Respiratory Tract - Upper, Otitis Media)


Amoxicillin dose

Penicillin Allergy: Clarithromycin dose

Duration: 5 days


Otitis externa

Consider cleaning the ear canal. If significant discharge/debris is present it is likely to affect the activity and effectiveness of prescribed treatment.

Routine ear swabs are not recommended. They may be helpful if there is treatment failure, severe/recurrent disease, spread of infection beyond the outside ear canal and/or chronic otitis externa


Inflammation with minimal discharge: Betamethasone 0.1% dropsdose

Inflammation with discharge: Combined steroid & antibiotic product (e.g. Otomizedose, Betnesol-Ndose)

If cellulitis, or disease extending outside ear canal: Flucloxacillin dose (Penicillin Allergy: Clarithromycin dose)

Duration: 7 days


Fungal ear infection

Consider cleaning the ear canal. If significant discharge/debris is present it is likely to affect the activity and effectiveness of prescribed treatment.


Clotrimazole 1% solutiondose

Duration: Continue for at least 14 days after disappearance of infection


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/02/2024

Next review date: 31/07/2027

Version: V1.0

Approved By: AMT (23.07.24) and ADTC (31.07.24)

Reviewer name(s): Jon van Aartsen (consultant microbiologist), Claire Mitchell (pharmacist).