For further information and advice regarding penicillin allergy, dosing, important interactions/adverse effects/safety considerations and antimicrobial stewardship please refer to the USER GUIDE.

Dental prescribing notes

  • Antibiotics are only required if:
    • immediate drainage is not achieved OR
    • in cases of spreading infection (significant extra-oral swelling, cellulitis) OR
    • systemic involvement (e.g. fever, sepsis).
  • Where possible all dental prescribing should be by a dentist except where this would cause unacceptable delay in treatment.


Oral candidiasis

Consider HIV test if severe/extensive/recurrent 


Adults >16 (non-immunocompromised):

Nystatin dose OR Miconazole oromucosal gel dose

If severe/extensive: oral Fluconazole dose, consider extending to 14 days

Duration: 7 days


Children <16, immunocompromised, or HIV positive:

Refer to: NICE/CKS Candida (oral) guidance


Dental abscess

Refer to dental practitioner for suspected dental abscess.


Phenoxymethylpenicillin dose

Penicillin Allergy: Metronidazole dose

Duration: 5 days

Further information:


Angular cheilitis

Clotrimazole creamdose

If significant inflammation: Clotrimazole/Hydrocortisone 1% cream (BD)

If no response and/or swabs grow Staphylococcus aureus/lugdenensis: Fusidic acid (+/- Hydrocortisone 1%) cream (BD)

Duration: 7 - 14 days


Cold sore (Herpes simplex)

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/07/2024

Next review date: 31/07/2027

Version: V1.0

Approved By: AMT (23.07.24) and ADTC (31.07.24)

Reviewer name(s): Jon van Aartsen (consultant microbiologist), Claire Mitchell (pharmacist).