
Suspected meningococcal meningitis is a medical emergency and requires urgent resuscitation and antibiotics.
Collect blood cultures, CSF if possible, throat swab and EDTA blood for meningococcal / pneumococcal PCR, but do not delay giving antibiotics.
Start antimicrobial therapy <1 hour of presentation after lumbar puncture unless contraindicated.

Review previous microbiology results: If resistant target organisms previously isolated (e.g. MRSA, ESBL, known resistance to empirical antibiotic choices), discuss antibiotic choice with Paediatric and/or Microbiology Consultant.

User guide: for further advice regarding antimicrobial prescribing good practice, oral switch, penicillin allergy, dosing, and safety considerations: HERE

Bacterial meningitis

First line <6 weeks

IV cefOTAXime
and IV gentamicin 
and IV amoxicillin 

Steroids: not of proven benefit in this age group.

Stop amoxicillin if CSF culture does not show Listeria after 48 hours AND Listeria PCR is negative.

Add IV aciclovir if <1 month AND any one of:

    • ALT or AST >2x upper limit of normal
    • vesicles
    • seizures
    • CSF pleocytosis
    • suspected meningitis/encephalitis
    • recent maternal herpes simplex disease
    • postnatal contact with herpes simplex virus
    • Consider if: day 3-14 age with none of the above but no other obvious cause or not improving or unexplained maternal febrile illness peripartum to 14 days postpartum, especially if premature
    • Stop if alternative cause is found
First line 6 weeks - 3 months

IV cefOTAXime or IV cefTRIAXone

Steroids: not of proven benefit in this age group.

First line >3 months

IV cefOTAXime or IV cefTRIAXone

Steroids: add dexamethasone for 4 days if bacterial meningitis without purpura.

Penicillin allergy (severe)

Discuss with microbiology

If there is a delay in obtaining microbiology advice, refer to UK-PAS guidance: HERE

TOTAL duration
  • Full course of parenteral therapy.
  • Oral antibiotics are not appropriate treatment for a patient with suspected or confirmed meningitis.
  • Longer treatments may be required if brain abscess and/or other foci of infection are identified.
  • Specific situations:
    • Neisseria meningitidis: 5-7 days
    • Haemophilus influenzae: 7-10 days
    • Streptococcus pneumoniae: 10-14 days
    • Group B Streptococcus: at least 14 days
    • Gram negative bacilli: at least 14 days
    • Listeria monocytogenes: IV amoxicillin for 21 days AND IV gentamicin for 7 days
    • Suspected bacterial meningitis, but culture/PCR negative:
          • <3 months = 14 days
          • >3 months = 10 days
  • Seek advice advice from Paediatric Consultant and/or Microbiology Consultant
  • Public Health Notification
    Suspected or confirmed meningococcal disease and invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b require notification to Public Health Scotland, via the local Health Protection Team (HPT). Additionally, prophylaxis and contact tracing should be discussed.

Viral encephalitis

First line

IV aciclovir


Nil available

PO treatment not recommended.

TOTAL duration
  • On advice from Paediatric Consultant and/or Microbiology Consultant.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 20/02/2024

Next review date: 20/02/2026

Author(s): Dr Jon van Aartsen (Consultant Microbiologist), Dr Jed Bamber (Consultant Paediatrician).

Version: v1.0

Approved By: AMT (20.02.2024) and ADTC (28.02.2024)

Reviewer name(s): Dr Jed Bamber (Consultant Paediatrician), AMS Team.