
The NHS Dumfries & Galloway Antimicrobial Handbook is intended to guide local antimicrobial use. The content of this toolkit is specific to the Board, and may not be applicable to other local healthcare areas or practices.

The advice given is based on the information available at time of writing, including the available evidence. It should be interpreted by the prescriber in light of professional judgement and clinical assessment, and patients should be involved in decisions.

This site is intended for professional use only; it is NOT for use by members of the public as a substitute for professional advice.

The NHS Dumfries & Galloway Antimicrobial Handbook team is not responsible for the accuracy of any externally linked content.

Key contact(s)

Current Antimicrobial Stewardship Team (AMST)

  • Clinical Lead: Vacant position
  • Antimicrobial Pharmacist (Primary Care): Claire Mitchell
  • Antimicrobial Pharmacist (Secondary Care): Evelyn Yoong
  • Antimicrobial Pharmacy Technician: Ann Blackstock

The team can be contacted with comments, thoughts or feedback regarding this toolkit at: dg.antimicrobialstewardship@nhs.scot. This e-mail should NOT be used for clinical queries.

Governance, Quality Assurance and Risk Assessment

Local governance, quality assurance and risk assessment procedures have been developed for maintaining the NHS D&G Antimicrobial Handbook, as detailed within the following documents:


The NHS Dumfries & Galloway Antimicrobial Handbook by NHS Dumfries & Galloway is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The content within the toolkit complies with copyright legislation. Where required, permission to embed content from external sources has been obtained.

RDS use of Flaticon images is covered by the licence paid by Tactuum as software provider of the RDS platform.

Accessibility statement & User Testing

The toolkit has been user tested, and its content checked for accessibility. Please highlight any issues by contacting dg.antimicrobialstewardship@nhs.scot.

RDS platform technology accessibility is confirmed in the following statements provided by Tactuum Ltd, the company which provides the underpinning technology for the Right Decisions platform:



The content of this toolkit is specific to the Board, and it may not be applicable to other local healthcare areas or practices. While the Board makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the information accessed via the App is correct, the toolkit is provided ‘as is and the Board does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the material accessed via the toolkit.

The Board may make changes to the toolkit at any time without notice. Some of the material accessed via the toolkit may be out of date, and the Board makes no commitment to update such material.

Where the toolkit contains links to other sites and or resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. The Board has no control over and no liability in respect of the content of these sites and resources. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the toolkit is made available by the Board on the basis that the Board excludes all representations, warranties, conditions and other terms (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill) which, but for this disclaimer, might have effect in relation to the toolkit.

Users assume all responsibility for using the information accessed via the toolkit.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 23/02/2024

Next review date: 23/02/2027

Author(s): Dr Jon van Aartsen (Consultant Microbiologist).

Version: v1.0

Approved By: AMT (23.02.2024) and ADTC (28.02.2024)

Reviewer name(s): AMS Team.