Syphilis is caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. It is a slender, spiral, motile organism and divides at intervals of 30-36 hours. Humans are its only natural host. Both pathogenic and commensal Treponemal strains can infect humans.
Syphilis transmission is generally by sexual intercourse; through abrasions on epithelial surfaces or penetration of mucous membranes. Syphilis is therefore transmitted efficiently by oral as well as penetrative sexual intercourse. Approximately 45-60% of sexual contacts of patients with infectious (early) syphilis will themselves be infected. Patients with late stage syphilis (>2 years post acquisition) are not considered infectious to sexual partners.
Mother to child transmission of syphilis can also occur, causing congenital infection, as well as other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Transmission risk is highest in early infection; risk reduces with time, though possible even in late disease.
Natural history
Syphilis is classified as either congenital or acquired infection. Congenital infection is by mother to child transmission and is not discussed further in this protocol. If there is concern of congenital infection, the case should be discussed with a GUM Consultant.
Acquired infection is acquired except through MTC transmission, usually by sexual intercourse. Acquired syphilis is further classified as either EARLY or LATE stage, depending on time from infection acquisition.
Classification of Acquired syphilis
Early (INFECTIOUS) syphilis
(Within two years of infection acquisition)
Late syphilis
(After two years from infection acquisition)
Symptomatic disease
- Primary syphilis
- Secondary syphilis
- Tertiary syphilis:
- Gummatous
- Cardiovascular
- Neurological
Asymptomatic disease
Infectious/ early syphilis
Syphilis within 2 years of infection acquisition. Early syphilis is infectious to sexual partners. Early syphilis is divided into primary, secondary or early latent stages.
Primary syphilis
This is localised early infection, with the lesion appearing 10-90 days after infection acquisition.
The lesion occurs at the site of infection inoculation, initially a papule, progressing to the characteristic primary ulcer (chancre). There is frequently associated regional lymphadenopathy (usually rubbery, discrete and painless). The classical appearance of a chancre is a single, painless and indurated ulcer, with a clean base discharging clear serum. However, up to 30% of chancres are atypical and may be multiple, painful, tender, purulent or destructive. Chancres in HIV patients or in the anal region are more likely to be atypical.
Syphilis should therefore always be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with genital (or oral) ulceration not typical of HSV infection and PCR testing and a complete syphilis serology panel should be undertaken.
Chancres will resolve spontaneously over a few weeks even if untreated.
Secondary syphilis
This is symptomatic, disseminated, early infection, affecting >25% of infected patients. Symptoms appear within 6 months of infection acquisition (average 3 months). As disease is systemic now, symptoms may affect almost any body system.
Common features of secondary syphilis include:
- Constitutional symptoms (fever, myalgia, malaise, sore throat)
- Rash: typically, a generalised macular-papular erythematous rash, non-pruritic and non-sparing of palms and soles of feet
- Generalised painless lymphadenopathy
- Muco-cutaneous lesions: mucous membrane patches (painless, shallow and transient ulcers within the mouth and on the mucous membranes of the genitalia), condylomata lata (are flat, warty lesions on moist perianal and perineal skin) or non-scarring alopecia. Both mucous membrane patches and condylomata latas are highly infectious. .
Less common symptoms include:
- Ophthamological involvement: uveitis, keratitis, iridiocyclitis, optic neuritis, retinitis
- Neurological involvement: aseptic meningitis, cranial nerve palsies, nerve deafness, (syphilitic stroke)
- Hepatitis
- Splenomegaly
- Glomerulonephritis (nephrotic syndrome)
- Periostitis
- Pneumonitis
Secondary syphilis symptoms will settle within 3-12 weeks even if untreated. Symptoms however can relapse within the first two years if the patient remains untreated.
Early latent syphilis
This is diagnosed on the basis of a positive syphilis serology with no symptoms and signs, within the first two years of infection. Often the diagnosis is made on the basis of a previous negative serology result within the last 2 years. Sometimes sexual history (partner diagnosis with infectious syphilis) may help point towards this stage. Patients with early latent infection are infectious to sexual partners.
Late syphilis
Late syphilis is divided into late latent and tertiary (symptomatic) disease.
Late latent syphilis
Diagnosed when the serological tests are positive but there are no symptoms or signs of syphilis and there is no evidence of negative syphilis serology in the preceding 2 years (i.e. the infection has been present for more than 2 years). Where the duration of infection is unknown, for example, where there is no previous negative syphilis serology, patients should be treated with a regimen of treatment as for late infection.
Symptomatic late stage syphilis (Tertiary syphilis)
This will develop in 30-40% of untreated patients (average 10-40 years from initial infection).
Tertiary disease is however extremely uncommon now due to infection being controlled by antibiotics given for other reasons. There are three possible presentations:
- Gummatous/ benign syphilis (15% of patients with untreated syphilis)
- Cardiovascular syphilis (10% of patients)
- Neurosyphilis (7% of patients)
Features of tertiary syphilis:
Features |
Gummatous syphilis
Patients develop granulomatous lesions, with central necrosis, most frequently affecting skin and bone (can affect other organs such as liver, heart however). Lesions typically appear 15 years after infection acquisition. Lesions resolve with treatment |
Cardiovascular syphilis
Typically occurs 15-30 years after infection acquisition.
Possible manifestations include:
- Aortic aneurysm (ascending aorta)
- Aortic Regurgitation (cardiac failure)
- Aortitis
- Angina (coronary ostia involvement)
Late stage neurosyphilis
Typically occurs 10-25 years post infection acquisition. There are two main manifestations of late stage neurosyphilis:
A progressive dementing illness secondary to cortical neuronal loss. There is initial forgetfulness, emotional lability and personality change which progresses to psychosis and severe dementia. Seizures and hemiparesis are late complications.
This causes inflammation of spinal dorsal column and nerve roots, and is characterised by sensory ataxia and lighting pains. Dorsal column loss results in absent reflexes, loss of joint position sense and vibration sense, paraesthesia, Charcot’s joints and mal perforans. Pupillary changes are common (e.g. Argyll Robertson pupil). |