Hepatitis vaccination in HIV positive individuals

Vaccination against Hepatitis A and B is recommended in all HIV positive non immune individuals whatever their risk factor.
Commence vaccination with separate Havrix and double dose Engerix B vaccination according to serology results in all newly diagnosed HIV patients.
Twinrix is not indicated in patients living with HIV
For PLHIV, newly diagnosed or transferring care check:
- Hepatitis A IgG
- Hepatitis B full serology: Hep B core Antibody (HepB cAb)
Heb B surface Antigen (HepB sAg)
Hep B surface antibody titre (HepB sAb)
Check prior to vaccination unless high risk of acquisition
Hepatitis A Vaccination Course:
CD4 >350/mm 3 : 2 doses of Havrix at 0 and 6 months
CD4 <350/mm 3 : 3 doses of Havrix at 0,1 and 6 months (if at risk – sexually active MSM)
Give a booster every 10 years – record date booster due in standard letter.
Hepatitis B Vaccination Course:
Use a standard vaccination course (0, 1 and 6 months) of double dose (total 40mcg) routinely, with a booster at 5 years.
Use an accelerated course 0, 1, 2 and 12 months for post exposure prophylaxis
Use the super-accelerated course (0,1, 3 and 52 weeks) only in exceptional circumstances ( eg current partner with acute hepatitis B infection)
Use a double dose (total 40mcg) Engerix routinely.
If also require Hep A vaccination use Twinrix + Engerix (combined =40mcg Hep B SA) - only applicable if using standard vaccination course.
Checking Immunity/Response:
Standard - Check HepB sAb level with next routine bloods
Recheck annually with routine HIV bloods
Give booster if HepB sAb level falls <10 IU/L.
High risk - e.g. current partner with active Hepatitis B infection
check HepB sAb level 6-8 weeks after the final dose of the course.
Management of HepB sAb Levels <10:
Level <10IU/L AND at significant risk of hepatitis B:
Offer repeat course of three double doses of Engerix B at 0,1,3 months recheck HepB sAb level again 6-8 weeks after completion of the second course.
<10 IU/L after second vaccination course:
CD4 >500 and on ARVs – consider non-responder.
Can consider Fendrix if high risk
If non-responder while not on ARVs or CD4 <350 - offer repeat vaccination course after commencing ARVs/rise in CD4 (better response if undetectable VL and CD4 >500)
Patients who are Hepatitis B cAb pos, sAg neg, sAb neg.
These patients should be given one dose of vaccine and their HepB sAb level should be repeated 2 weeks later.
These patients fall into one of these four categories:
- Resolved Hepatitis B infection with anamnestic Hepatitis B sAb response- HepB sAb level will rise >10IU/L after single vaccination
- False positive HepB cAb response and susceptible to infection-requires full vaccination course
- Early clearing Hepatitis B infection-immune
- Occult Hepatitis B infection-does not require vaccination
If the HepB sAb level remains < 10 IU/l then they are probably in the second group ie false positive HepB cAb, and should be offered 2 further doses of vaccine at 1 month, and 6 months.