Patients referred for treatment within the Public Dental Service should fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
- Be unable to accept dental treatment with local anaesthetic due to learning disability, physical or mental ill health in general practice.
- Be unable to accept treatment with local anaesthetic due to extreme dental anxiety or phobia. Please note mild or moderate anxiety would be expected to be managed in general practice.
- Pre-cooperative children i.e. children in whom young age prohibits compliance for dental interventions.
- Children in whom local anaesthetic has been attempted and failed.
- Extractions in children as per Appendix 1b (General Anaesthesia Criteria).
- Medically compromised patients generally ASA3 and above (Appendix 2). ASA2 patients are suitable for treatment in general practice and many ASA3 patients may also be safely treated in GDP environment for the majority of procedures with local anaesthetic, with appropriate advice and precautions. Referral of ASA3 patients will be considered on an individual basis.
- Highly anxious and phobic patients for management by conscious sedation or general anaesthetic. This service generally extends to offer routine extractions and restorative dentistry. Please note that it is essential that an Indicator of Sedation Treatment Needs (Appendix 3) is included with your referral. Treatment under GA is only considered as an appropriate treatment option in exceptional cases.
The GDC guidelines on GA referrals specifically indicate that prior to making the referral, the referring practitioner should discuss: (1) The risk involved with a procedure under GA (2) Alternative methods of treatment with the patient. Please see useful links for link to Royal College of Anaesthetists advice leaflets. - Patients requiring an opinion and/or treatment by restorative, prosthodontic, periodontal, special care or paediatric, dental consultant or specialist please see section 5.