VTE Extended prophylaxis for surgical patients undergoing major abdominal or pelvic surgery for cancer in NHS Borders
This guidance relates solely to patients having major abdominal or colorectal surgery for cancer.
- All patients having major abdominal or colorectal surgery for cancer should receive 28 days of dalteparin 5000units daily if eGFR >30ml/min.**, unless contraindicated.
- Assessment is carried out in surgical pre-assessment clinic.
- Patients admitted as emergencies with diagnosis of colorectal cancer will have plan for extended VTE prophylaxis included in “step down” information from ITU.
- Patients with complex issues should be discussed - mechanical heart valves (cardiology) or heparin allergy (haematology).
- If thromboprophylaxis is withheld or there is deviation from this guidance the reasons are documented in the patient’s case notes.
Patients being discharged on extended VTE prophylaxis with dalteparin should, if possible, be taught to self-administer (or carer taught to administer) dalteparin. Alternatively ward nursing staff should confirm that community nurses can administer, and the dalteparin should be prescribed on community prescription chart by ward medical staff on discharge from hospital. On discharge from BGH patients will receive supply of dalteparin to complete their treatment (The supply will normally be dispensed from BGH pharmacy; the ward will have a supply of overlabelled dalteparin for issue, when required, out of hours).
Dose of prophylactic dalteparin on BGH discharge as per eGFR.**. (Use calculated creatinineclearance at extremes of weight and age)
- **Dalteparin 5000units daily if eGFR >30ml/min.
- eGFR 10ml/min – 30ml/min , 2,500units dalteparin daily (CONSIDER RISKS v BENEFITS prior to prescribing pharmacological VTE prophylaxis).