Temporal artery biopsy: direct referral
Referral for temporal artery biopsy
When completing this form, please do so in conjunction with the guidance
notes available on RefHelp and the Rheumatology Microsite.
Please do not refer for biopsy until the results of ESR and CRP are available.
Where the diagnosis is suspected, but there is no ocular involvement, please
do not start Prednisolone until the results of ESR and CRP are available.
Where the diagnosis is suspected and there is ocular involvement please
discuss with ophthalmology urgently, and start 60 mg daily Prednisolone.
When complete the referral and pathology form should be sent to both
Should your patient’s situation change and you no longer feel that biopsy is
indicated, please ensure that both mail boxes are informed.
Where there is uncertainty about the for biopsy please seek
rheumatology advice.